Chapter 15 / part-1

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Shattered Dreams  chap-15 /  part -1

Chapter 15 -1
'Caleb's Intervention'
By: mike hurley

Amy stared out over the countryside, she could see the lights of Hudson, far off. Her mind replaying Ty's voice over and over......Amy!!
Ty sounded like he was just outside, maybe on the little bench by the pond. But she recalled the blast of air that his voice rode in on. He had to of been far away. Maybe in Okatoks or Black Diamond. His voice rode that blast of wind, like a surfer rides a wave. It almost knocked her down, and the entire barn shook.

Everyone was asleep but her and Ty. She knew that was his voice. She heard it. It hadn't changed much from when she scolded him the very first time they met.  'You can't smoke here'!! 'Whatever'!!

But his voice was deeper now, it had become the voice of a man. It was much more mature. He hid his emotions like Grandpa did. Ty was a man now & that's what men did. Amy sighed and needed to be held. Her emotions ran deep; Amy knew her feelings were muddled  and they weren't clarifying. One minute she hated him, the next she loved him. It was the same old tune her emotions had played for weeks.

Then there was her new plan to kick him as hard as possible in the balls, then cradle them in her palm as Ty about passed out from the pain. Amy shook her head; life wasn't that simple. Forgiveness didn't come by kicking a man in the nuts. It came by hard work, tears, fights, maybe a little shouting, kindness, and tearing out the stitches of their very relationship. Then mending it together. Compromise demanded she let him have his way in some areas, and hers in others.

She knew Ty would be outraged at some concessions she would demand. Like going to her family and Scott, their friends and a few of his professors and confess his guilt in having a relationship with Blair. Even kissing her right in the Heartland Barn. Breaking her heart and lying about it. She knew Grandpa wouldn't like the idea. But Amy had standards for any man she dated. Lying was one, Ty would pay the price.

She had so wanted to sleep with him.
Amy knew she could never take Ty back, but she still dreamt about him. She had no idea why, but she couldn't let go.......
When Amy was stressed, or grumpy, or lonely, or scared........her thoughts & dreams of Ty always brought her comfort.

Amy walked through the rear closet passageway & back into Ty's loft. She crawled into bed as she imagined Ty holding her. She loved feeling safe in his arms.

Amy grinned and knew, Ty would beat up a bulldozer to protect her.

She thought again about having sex with Ty. She realized it was an intimate version of 'joining up' between a man and a woman.

Amy drifted off to sleep thinking about sex with Ty and birth control in her thoughts.


A few days ago, right at 6:00 am, Amy stepped into the Hudson Boxing Club, on 2nd street. She smelled male sweat; it did nothing to excite her. She stood by the front desk & looked around. A box of gloves, one of tape, another of bumper stickers; 'Did you wear your cup today''?? Several empty bottles of Gatorade, and a schedule on the wall for 'Boxing Canada' events.

She heard fists hitting boxing bags, lots of them. She peeked back into the gym & saw a bunch of guys and 2 women sparring, weightlifting, climbing rope, pushups, jump rope, guys working out while standing on Bosu balls, and a little grunting. A small class doing martial arts in the back were kicking high.

She moved out of the way, 2 big RMCP / Hudson Police Officers walked in with gym bags & boxing gloves. One of them smiled
at her, she smiled back & said; good morning Officer.

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