Chapter - 36

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 36 /  'The Sock Drawer'
By; mike hurley

I miss you too Amy!! It's weird driving past Heartland Ranch & knowing you're not there.

But I'm waking up, so let's talk about what happened with you & Ty......
First, I think it was a mistake you two sleeping together so soon. Maybe you already told me, I can't remember, but why??  Did Ty pressure you??

Oh God Soraya, no; it was all my idea; well actually Ashley convinced me sex with Ty would strengthen our relationship. I've come all this way & I was desperate for us to be Amy & Ty again......

Oh Amy, as much as I like Ashley, I have boundaries with her. You know I don't like saying negative things or gossiping about anyone. But, I'm going to make an exception because her advice can be caustic. Ashley has many good qualities but her relationship ideas are not healthy.

Um, ever since Ty left Hudson, Caleb & I have been collaborating to get you two back together. We both see how you two love each other, and are so much better together than apart. Caleb is very adept with perceiving peoples feelings, I laugh Amy, because maybe he's a natural Phycologist!! I have years of schooling and I still seek his advice!!

Things are bad with him & Ash.

How bad Soraya??

As bad as it gets....

You mean divorce??

I don't know, he's never used that word but
It wouldn't surprise me. I can't say anymore Amy, maybe you should ask Caleb. But he has such a golden retriever personality, how's the song go......'breaking up is hard to do'.

Soraya, based on Ashley's advice, I don't wear much at night. In fact a few nights ago, I, well let's just say I gave Ty a pretty good show hoping to entice him into loving me & sleeping together.  He insists on sleeping on the sofa, but if we both slept in the same bed, I was pretty certain I could get him in the mood!!

Amy, as you know, there's so much more to a relationship than sex. When the time is right,  sex can mean so much to a couple, but Ty......he's very protective of you. I can't see him sleeping with you, for fear of getting you pregnant. He has a lot to loose right now if he became a father.

That's exactly what happened Soraya, I think I turned him on night after night, and maybe he wandered into the wrong room and crawled into his bed, sleepy & forgetting I was there.
Soraya, I touched him and wanted him. I was all over Ty, and a guy can resist just so long.  
But I suppose it was like.... throwing gas on a fire Amy??
I agree. Guys are turned on visually, it's just how they're made!! You parade around the apartment with next to nothing on.......well you remember what Isaac Newton's 3rd law says.....

Soraya, he wants 100% contraception, there is no such thing. Even if he pulls out just before.....

Well you're on the pill, he could wear a condom. That's as close to 100% as a couple can get.

What do I do now Soraya??

You wait till Ty returns and tell him how much you love him.  Amy, I'm pretty certain Ty is feeling like a loser, he compares himself to his father way too much. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect. Ty thinks he needs to be perfect in you're relationship. But love is not a formula or a set of robotic instructions to follow. Ty needs to follow his heart, even with his imperfections. He probably wants to run away; but is punching a tree right & fighting those urges to flee.
Amy, you were complicit in what happened, make Ty understand that. And someday plan another first time that you both bring honest feelings to the bedroom and are ready for that next step. Together. I think that's important to maybe plan or tell each other what your 2nd first time will look like. Make it special for each other.

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