Chapter - 29

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 29 / by; mike hurley

Grandfather Mountain was tired, & decided to turn in early tonight. He said his prayers & watched the eagles play till his eyes were tired. But suddenly the young Canadians caught his attention.

He watched as the girl packed her suitcase; she didn't look happy.
These young Canadians had a knack for keeping him up late.
He knew what happened next would shape generations to come.

Amy set her bags down in the kitchen, and stared at Ty; she was tired physically and exhausted emotionally. She hadn't planned on this last moment diplomacy.
But Amy came prepared for anything; and Mrs Bell told her "things worth a hoot, require a lot of work".
Amy looked into Ty's eyes and was gauging his sincerity. Amy understood perfectly the significance of how Ty asked her to stay.....
Amy threw him a lifeline a few years ago. They had a rudimentary love & she couldn't bear to loose him. She looked at Ty in the barn, & said; Just stay, please!!

Now, it was Ty's turn, he knew Amy better than anyone, at least he used to. Deep down, under his layers of anger, her name was still written in his heart. He threw the lifeline back to Amy; maybe his heart threw it.
He couldn't bear losing her.
Ty could barely breath as he watched Amy studying his countenance.
He could have built a love with Ellie, a better one with Andrea, but somehow in Ty's heart, all roads led to Amy. She was his soulmate.  There was no other.
They would open a clinic together; be partners and hopefully more; a lot more.
For just a moment in time; Ty saw an image in his mind of their Lyndy, she was about 3 years old & lifted up her arms & said......pick me up Papa!!
She kissed his cheek and wrapped her little arms around Ty's neck.

Guess what!!  She asked.

What??  Tell me!!  Ty replied with a grin.

I love you!!

Lyndy was adorable & looked just like Amy.
Ty swallowed hard & knew if he let Amy leave......
there would never be a Lyndy. Ever!!
Of all the dreams and hopes in Ty's heart; having a baby girl with Amy was high up on his list.
On days Ty was overwhelmed; when life's trails became steep & arduous, he thought of Lyndy.
She'd come to him in his imagination and help him feel better. 'I love you, you're my papa', and kissing his cheek always gave Ty strength to keep going.
Somehow, for Ty, Lyndy was already alive, albeit only in his mind. But she seemed as real as Glinda, the Good Witch on the 'Wizard of Oz'.

Glinda always knew what Dorothy needed; her smile was contagious, and her laughter, at the mere suggestion, that evil held power over her, was
as powerful as gravity.

Lyndy came into Ty's mind at just the right moment to encourage him, and remind him.......he was a good man.

Right now, as Ty looked at Amy, scared of what she might say or do, Lyndy fell asleep in his arms.
A bold message to Ty, that someone had absolute faith in him.

Some would laugh at such child's play in a grown man's mind. Others would call the imaginary Lyndy an emotional crutch. Some might think Lyndy was a creation of Marion, to help her, remind Ty of the beauty ahead in a life married to Amy.

All Ty knew was Lyndy had been with him at difficult moments on his drive from Hudson to Boone.
She was there when Ty pulled over at the border and cried.
Jack walked up the stairs to the little porch.
He looked inside, through the screen door & said; I'm out here Amy.......take your time. I'll be at the bottom of the stairs.
Ty and Jack's eyes met just for a second....
Jack promised Amy he wouldn't get involved. But this was different, and yet Jack had no idea of what to say to help them.
He knew all about love, it's joys and sorrows, and it's inherently arduous nature.

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