Chapter - 64

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 64
I'm not pregnant Ty!!
By; Mike Hurley

Hello, this is Dr Erik Trompton. I'm sorry I cannot take your call now, please leave me a message & I'll call you back......

Erik.......I forgot to mention this morning, Shane offered to help out at the clinic if you get busy.
Dr Johnny ok'd it, so just text Shane if you need him.
And Erik, I just wanted to say that I admired you in the way you handled Ellie this morning.
I've made many mistakes in my life & not everyone was as kind to me, as you were to Ellie.
I just wanted you to know that.
Ok, I'll talk to you Tuesday....... Bye.



Morning Ty, you all packed??

Yeah pretty much; you want to meet for coffee downtown?? I've got a couple hours

Yeah I'd like that. I need to talk to you.

You sound sort of melancholy man.
You ok Shane??

No, ......well maybe, I really don't know. Are women's emotions always all over the map??

Pretty much man!! Did Andrea say something to you??

She's mad & said I was Tarzan!!
I don't think she intended it a compliment.
What did Tarzan ever do wrong??

If you ask Jane......plenty!! Ty replied with a grin.

I told you Andrea wouldn't talk to me cause I told her dad I got her pregnant. Calling her father was the most scared I've ever been in my entire life. Andrea is everything to him, and I got her pregnant!!

Yeah, that's tough man. I sort of think you did the right thing in calling her dad & having a man to man talk.

Well late last night I was recalibrating some instruments & she calls me & was crying.
Man, you know sheilas cry a lot. Is that my imagination??

No it not your imagination Shane......girls cry a lot.

Well she was all sorry about being mad at me & she's coming home late tonight & she wants me to make love to her.

Well that's stellar news right!! Congrats!!

Yeah but you know George gave me permission to ask Andrea to marry me??

Yeah, you told me.

Well I found a ring I really, really like.
But it's $1500.00 & with my bonus from the clinic I only have just over $500.00.
Sucks man!! Life sucks you know!!
I love Andrea soooo much!! I want to give her a ring & get married in 30 days & I want both her parents there at our wedding!!
But I need a freaking ring!!

Ty wasn't sure but he thought Shane was crying.

It's ok Shane, you'll figure something out.
Hey, can you be at the coffee shop in 30 minutes??

Yeah man, I'm leaving the apartment right now.....

Ty grabbed his back pack & everything for his flight, then opened his sock drawer. He stared at his savings account balance for a long minute & thought about how much more he needed for Amy's ring.......

In 10 minutes, Ty jumped into the
Boone Animal Clinic car & headed to his bank.
He was going to withdraw a $1000.00 in cash.


Val opened her eyes & groaned; unfortunately it wasn't a dream. She just spent the night in jail.

She sat up on the bench with a crook in her neck & a stiff & painful lower back.

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