Chapter 1 - Sunday

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"B, are you ready? The car is waiting for us outside." My brother Leonardo spoke from the other side of my bedroom door. I grumbled, knowing that we're supposed to be attending a dinner with our family tonight.

"Just give me 5 minutes." I responded, I got up from my bed and walked over to my mirror.

My long, light brown hair was messy and tangled, so I grabbed the hairbrush from my dresser and started to comb the knots out. When that was done, I moved onto my eyes. I Applied a thin layer of black mascara to them. I've always liked my eyes, the hazel green colour was pretty nice. When I was done with that, I put on a white dress shirt with some black jeans. I've never really know what to wear to these dinners, all my mother has ever told me is that i can't wear sweatpants, so i don't.

I grabbed my bag from the floor and closed my bedroom door behind me as I headed out. When I made it downstairs to the black jeep that was waiting, I opened the door to see my brother Leo, alone. Everyone else was probably already at the restaurant. I climbed in the car and the driver pulled away from the curb.

"I fucking hate sundays." Leo growled as he turned his gaze out the window. It's began to rain, dark clouds were forming in the sky above us.

"I know." I responded softly.

Leonardo really wasn't cut out for this life. He's too emotional, something my other 2 brothers would consider weak, but that's not what it is. Being in the mafia isn't for everyone. Killing people, selling drugs, running illegal businesses, you have to be a certain type of person to do that. I feel bad for him because he really didn't have a choice, none of the men in my family did.

"This dinner is just one night out of the week for our father to act like he loves us." He turned to me, his dirty blond hair looked disheveled while his brown eyes were narrowed.

I honestly don't believe that. I do think our father loves us but my brother will never see it that way. He's damaged and scarred from the things he's been forced to do in his 20 years of living. I don't blame him, even though I see things a lot differently.

"We only have to be there for an hour, so calm down." I told him before looking out my own window. Hopefully this dinner passes by fast because i'm tired and i don't want to hear him complaining all night.


When we arrived, I stepped out of the car to see one of my favorite sushi restaurants we sometimes go to. Leo joined me as we walked up the steps together and past the front doors. When we were inside, the place was completely empty except for one long dark wooden table in the middle of the restaurant. Every sunday when we go out for dinner, my father rents the whole place so we can be alone with our family and some of the close friends that work for us. I would say it's over the top but it does have its perks. The food comes faster and we don't have to talk over other people's conversations.

There's at least 15 people already here when I took a seat beside my oldest brother Luca. He looked very similar to Leo, same dirty blond hair and brown eyes except that his facial structure is stronger, and his body is more muscular, because he works out about 4 times a week. Leo sat across from us, next to my second oldest brother Lorenzo, who looks more like me then the other 2. Same light brown hair except his is curly and his eyes are green.

My father sat at the end of the table. His dirty blond hair was greying and his face was growing more lines by the day. His dark brown eyes were beautiful as they sparkled in the dim lighting. Next to him was my mother. Long wavy brown hair and bright green eyes. It's safe to say that we all look pretty similar. Enzo and I looked like our mother and Luca and Leo looked like our father. Although our family has issues like any other, at least we can all come together for a pleasant dinner on a sunday.

Across from my mother is where Silas was seated. My fathers long time best friend and right hand man. He's a sweet person and he's always been nice to me. His rich dark skin and black hair has always fit nicely with his face. I've always thought he was quite handsome, even though he's way too old. Shortly after I settled into my seat, he turned in my direction and gave me a warm smile. "Good evening, Miss Bianca."

"Hi Silas." I greeted him back with a smile of my own.

Beside Silas is my uncle Giuseppe. He looked like my father but older. Fully grey hair and more lines on his face. I met his brown eyed gaze and realized that his son Romeo wasn't here, so I asked. "Where's Romeo?"

"He had something to take care of tonight but don't worry sweetie, he'll be here next sunday" Giuseppe answered and then takes a sip of the red wine that's been sitting next to him.

About 15 minutes later, everyone's food arrived at the table, including mine. I ordered a salmon and avocado roll, my absolute favorite. When I  took my first bite, I heard my mother clear her throat, causing my attention to fall on her.

"Guess whose birthday is coming up?" My mother asked, sounding overly excited. I looked at her plate and rolled my eyes, she didn't even order anything.

"My fathers." I shoved another piece of sushi into my mouth before taking a sip of water.

"And yours baby." My mother smiled at me and I internally cursed her.

Since when has my mother cared about me or my birthday? I don't know and i don't care either. It bothers me that she's taking such an interest now because we're in front of people. I wish that it was actually genuine.

Something that also bothers me is that my father and I have the same birthday. Every year we usually have a joint party but I really wish we didn't. I'm turning 18 and I want my own celebration.

"Do you know what you want for your birthday B?" My father finally spoke up from the head of the table.

I looked at Leo to find that he's already staring at me. He's the brother I'm closest with in this family and the only one who really knows what I want for my birthday.

"I don't know yet, father, what do you want?" I asked, trying to take the attention off of me.

"I just want you to be by my side, supporting me like always." He smiled and ate a piece of his sushi.

"Of course, you know I will." I assured him before going on to finish my food.


After dinner, my father asked me to ride back to the condo with him, so I did. As I sat in the back seat beside him, I gazed out the window at the sky that's filled with stars. The night time has always been my favorite time of day. The light of the moon is always so soothing and beautiful.

"Your turning 18 Bianca," My fathers rough voice grabbed my attention and I turned to look at him.

"Yes, I am." I confirmed, shifting in my seat as the seat belt made me uncomfortable.

"And you know how much i care about you, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"Ok good, i just wanted you to know that you can ask me for anything, ? Whatever your heart desires, I will give it to you baby. It's your 18th birthday and you deserve the world." My fathers eyes softened as he scooted over to my side of the car and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you." I smiled, leaning into his embrace.

"Ti amo." He whispered into my hair and then gave me a kiss on the forehead.

When my father and I entered the condo, everyone from dinner was here. My fathers men always come back after to discuss the week's business. Romeo was now here, waiting with his father. Beside them was Luca, Enzo and Leo, all standing in front of my fathers office.

I passed by everyone and ran up the stairs to my room, where I intended to be for the rest of the night. I have to be up early for school tomorrow, so i needed to get to bed sooner rather than later.

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