Chapter 24 - He Knows Everything

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My eyes fluttered open the next morning when I heard some noises coming from outside the bedroom. I pulled the blanket off and realized that the bed felt empty, Julian wasn't here. I opened the door to see him at the stove, cooking something that smelled really good.

Julian flipped a pancake in the pan and it almost fell on the floor. Luckily, he caught it, and a smile grew on his face when he saw me watching. "Buenos días, preciosa."

(good morning, beautiful)

I walked over, and he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I tried to fight back the smile as I started to make coffee, but it was no use. Why did he have to look so good all the time? The fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt was beyond distracting, I guess that's my own fault. I refused him one last night.

Last night.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, grabbing two mugs from the cabinet.

"Very." he blushed and gave me a small smile. He put the pancakes on plates, then proceeded to pour syrup on them.

A question that I was thinking about last night resurfaced. It would most likely embarrass Julian, but I really, really wanted to know. "Have you ever masturbate-"

I was cut off by the feeling of some weird sticky liquid being placed on my neck. I turned around to see Julian standing there, with syrup on his finger. He trapped me against the counter and licked up my neck in the line that he had drawn the syrup.

"Why are you so excited?" I questioned him as he continued to press light kisses on my throat. I brought my hand up and threaded my fingers through his thick black hair.

"How could I not be when I got my dick touched for the first time last night. This is a celebration."

I chuckled, and so did he. I pulled his head up to meet mine and joined our lips. Julian smiled into the kiss, and I swear my heart flipped upside down. His hips pushed into mine, I took my hand off his head and reached for his dick-

"We should eat, before it gets cold," he said nervously, cutting the interaction a little shorter than I had hoped.

It's ok though. As much as I'd love to jump right into sex and all that, I know he's not ready. I'm actually waiting for him. I think that says something about me...doesn't it?

I finished the coffee as he brought the plates over to the small table that I had in the middle of this apartment. When I came over, I placed the mugs down. Before I could pull my chair out for myself, Julian rushed over and did it for me.

What a fucking sweetheart.

Since we didn't have school today, Julian ended up staying the whole morning. We ate breakfast together at the counter, shared great conversation, and really just enjoyed each other's company.

Things were changing very quickly for me. I didn't exactly know how fast my feelings for Julian were developing, or if I should even let them at all. I'm scared, because if I bring him into my life, what am i going to tell him about my family? I won't be able to hide it forever, and I doubt he'll be 'understanding' when I get around to saying it. What if he doesn't want me then?

After breakfast, Julian got changed into his clothes from yesterday and I walked him downstairs to his car. I really didn't want him to leave, but I knew he had to.

Standing on the edge of the sidewalk, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held on tight. I swear, I could never get enough of this guy's hugs. When he pulled away, he cupped my cheeks in his hands and pecked my lips. "I'll see you on Monday."

After I watched him drive away, I quickly returned to my apartment and changed into some sweats. I grabbed all my stuff and hopped into the elevator, all the way to the penthouse.

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