Chapter 8 - Self Control

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I was a little shocked when the men actually listened to me. The one closest to the door shut it and then returned back to huddle around the desk with everyone else.

"What could possibly be the matter Bianca?"

I could feel the tension radiating off my father as I looked at him. He was upset that I interrupted the meeting and he was about to grow even more upset when I told him what I did. I might have not thought this through all the way.

I took off my backpack and unzipped the top. I pulled out the grocery bag and dumped all the cash out in front of my father. It must have been at least 2,000 dollars, there were so many bills that some of them even fell off the desk. Multiple gasps came from behind me but I didn't care about the guards or my brothers. I cared about my father's expression. He didn't gasp like the rest. Instead, his face turned into one of the scariest things I had even.

My father wasn't just mad. He was beyond livid.

"Where did you get this money Bianca?" he asked sharply. His voice was cold and low, I could tell he was trying to hold back because we were in front of people.

"I stole it," I answered simply, trying to stay confident even though I was scared shitless.

My father proceeded to pick up a 10 dollar bill and inspect it cautiously like he didn't believe that it could be real money. "You stole it? From where?"

"It doesn't matter where I got it from. All you need to know is that I am more than capable to work for you. I got this money no problem, and I could do it again."

He suddenly went quiet. Obviously thinking long and hard of what to say next. As I was waiting for a response, I heard 2 of the guards whispering behind me.

"She's so pathetic." one of them said.

I whipped my head around to defend myself but to my surprise, my brothers were already taking care of that. Leo actually shocked me when he took a step forward towards the guard that spoke. I'm pretty sure his name was Alfonzo. He had black hair and was taller than all 3 of my brothers.

"That's my sister, you asshole," Leonardo growled while pointing a finger in Alfonzo's face. Even though I know he's protective, his aggression surprised me.

Luca and Enzo kept quiet, although they were intensely glaring at Alfonzo, warning him to shut the hell up. I turned back to my father to see him resting his elbows on the desk and his head in his hands, sighing deeply. He seemed more disappointed than angry now.

"What have you done?" he slowly lifted his head and his big brown eyes met mine. "Do you even realize how bad this could have turned out? What if you got hurt? What if they called the cops and gave them a description of what you look like?"

I ran a nervous hand through my hair. At least I was smart enough to wear a mask. At least I was smart enough to shoot all the cameras, even though they already saw me. I feel like such an idiot now. I took a deep breath and then said, "They didn't see my face and they couldn't call the cops, don't worry."

"Don't worry!" my father roared at me, he stood up and slammed his fists down on the desk, causing all the money to move around in front of us. I could feel all the eyes on us from behind me. I don't think I've ever made him this mad before.

"You have embarrassed your brothers, your mother, and me." he was gripping the edge of the desk so hard that his knuckles were turning white. I gulped at the sight before he continued to raise his voice at me. "You obviously didn't understand the first time I tried to tell you this. You will never be a gangster! Stop trying to prove yourself to me because you only look stupid in the end. This was childish, to rob someone. You don't even understand the concept of this family business, do you? You will never be a fucking gangster Bianca, you will never be good enough."

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