Chapter 16 - Overreacting

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Of course, the next morning, I was woken up by a loud banging on the room door. I grumbled, already feeling annoyed, why does someone always have to disturb me at an early hour?

The sunlight peeking through the blinds caused me to rub my eyes. When I finally opened them, I attempted to sit up, but something was stopping me.


Daniel, had his head lying on my chest and a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled, he looked so peaceful. I could see his back rising and falling with every breath he took, and I didn't want to wake him up but I had to get to the door.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Raphael came into view. As soon as he saw the man on top of me, he whipped out his gun and pointed it at the 2 of us. The expression on his face was a mixture of anger and fear. I guess I could understand what this looks like but he didn't need to kill his own friend.

"Put the fucking gun down," I growled. I sat up, causing Daniel's head to fall into my lap and his eyes slowly started to flutter open.

"Get off of her!" Raphael yelled, stepping closer to the bed. "Did he hurt you?" he looked at me, I could see the concern in his eyes but he was clearly overreacting.

"No he didn't, can you relax now?"

Raphael didn't relax. Instead, he yanked Daniel off of me and threw him onto the floor. He then proceeded to hit Daniel in the face with his gun, causing him to let out a shriek of pain. I scrambled to the edge of the bed and stood up, pushing Raphael away with 2 of my hands on his chest.

"What the hell is wrong with you Raph? It's me, Daniel," he said, rubbing the side of his face that hurt.

I heard footsteps approaching us outside the room. I looked past Raphael to see Luca and Enzo standing in the doorway with their guns in hand. I let out a groan, as this was being blown way out of proportion.

Enzo stepped into the room first. He looked at me, then at Daniel who was still on the floor. "We heard yelling, did I miss a fight?"

"No," I responded, kneeling on the floor to make sure Daniel was ok. I peeled his hand off the side of his face and started to inspect the bruise. "Raphael was just acting like an idiot."

"Did you guys fuck last night?" Raph blurted out, causing everyone to whip their heads in his direction. Luca now entered the room to join the conversation.

"Why would they have slept together?" Luca asked, the confusion was obvious in his tone as he stuffed his gun back into his waistband. "Is that true Bianca?"

As I helped Daniel to a standing position, I turned to face the 3 men standing in front of me. I was angry, and I knew they could see it on my face. "I didn't sleep with Daniel, but even if I did, it's none of your goddamn business. I want all of you out, now."

Thankfully, I was stern enough for them to actually listen to my request. Lorenzo laughed on his way out while Rapheal hung his head and muttered a quiet sorry to Daniel, who was walking behind them. I grabbed his wrist before he could leave and closed the room door, leaving Daniel and me alone once again.

"Are you ok?" I asked with both of my hands placed on either side of his shoulders.

"Yea, I'll be ok. I'm just surprised, Raphael has never done anything like that before..." he half smiled to try and reassure me but it didn't quite work. I could tell that he was upset that his friend hit him, I would be too.

Daniel must have sensed my worry because as if on cue, he cupped both of my cheeks in his large hands and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "Let's go before someone tries to attack me again."

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