Chapter 14 - Daniel Torres

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"Get your fucking hand off me."

Even though I'm already confident, I wasn't surprised by the extra boost that I got from the alcohol. I was feeling like I could conquer the world right now. And if I had a gun, I probably wouldn't hesitate to shoot this man in the face.

Why not kill 2 men in one day?

"So you've got a mouth on you too?" he proceeded to caress my shoulder and every second that passed, felt like an eternity.

I removed his arm, in the least gentle way possible. I was finally having a good night and this man was about to ruin the whole thing. "You should fuck off. If you were smart, you would listen to me, but I doubt that you are."

"Aww, don't be so mean..." he chuckled before taking a sip of what I assumed was whisky. As soon as he put the glass down, he returned his hand to my thigh and gave it a hard squeeze. "With that look so damn tempting..."

The was coming back. Slowly, but surely. If this nonsense didn't stop in the next 2 minutes, I would smash this shot glass on his head, with no hesitation.

"Do we have a problem here sir?" Daniel finally chimed in. I think he was distracted, talking to the bartender or something.

The man let out a deep, rough laugh that rang in my ears for too long. His hand was still on me as he said, "No, unless you're her boyfriend." he turned to me slowly, inching his fingers farther up my thigh. "Is this your boyfriend sweetheart?"

"No, he's not. And if you don't remove your hand from my thigh in the next 5 seconds, shit's going to end badly for you." I warned, a big fat sarcastic smile on my face. If all goes according to plan...I was about to get into my first bar fight, and I was excited.

I noticed that Daniel immediately looked down and went to reach for his hand. I stopped him and nodded to assure him that I was ok. He still moved closer to me, just in case anything more happened.

"And what if I don't?" he asked, taunting and squeezing again.

"5...4...3..." I started counting down and he raised an eyebrow. Did he really think that I was joking? I let out a quiet chuckle before continuing. "2-"

The man took his other arm and snagged it around my waist. Then he pulled me against his body, causing the stool I was sitting on to almost fall over. Daniel stood up, but I waved him off again. With both of his hands gripping hard, his nails dug into my skin and I felt his breath on my neck before he whispered, "You and your boyfriend are no match for me little gir-"

"And...1" I cut him off before wrapping one of my arms around his neck and pulling his face close to my own. "I actually changed my mind, do you want a kiss?"

"I knew you liked it," he said with a smirk. He leaned in, letting his eyes flutter shut.

Just when he thought I was about to lean in as well, I fisted my hand in his salt and pepper hair, and pushed down on the back of his head, causing his face to smash agents the bar. He instantly removed his hold on me while clutching his forehead and groaning out in pain. I couldn't help but feel light-hearted and accomplished, men are so gullible.

The bar basically stopped running for a minute as all the workers and customers stared at me in awe. I was glad though. I wanted them all to see what happens when you touch a woman without consent. When the man finally regained some of his strength, he turned to me with a livid expression on his face.

"You little slut!" he screamed, reaching for me.

I leaned back, and luckily enough, Daniel saved the day. He punched the man square in the jaw, causing him to fall off the stool and onto the ground. I stood up beside Daniel, looking down at the creep below us. Daniel delivered another punch to his face before turning to me, searching my eyes to make sure I was alright.

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