Chapter 33 - This Was Happiness

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To say that the rest of the ride home was uncomfortable, would be an understatement.

I spent the time explaining my whole life story to Natalie, and her reaction was a little better than expected. Of course, she was still so upset with me to the point where I actually got slapped, but It wasn't hard, and I knew I deserved it. She was more concerned than mad, just for my safety and Julian's, because he still didn't know...or at least I hoped.

When Raphael parked in the garage, we all had to haul Julian out of the backseat. And when I took one last look at the car before getting into the elevator, I gasped. Every window had broken, bullet holes covered every door, I was surprised that it got us all the way back here.

When we got to my apartment, Raphael and Natalie helped me place Julian on the bed. When that was done, Raph went to check on everyone else. That left me and Nat, plus some tension, as she obviously wasn't over what just happened, and I don't think she will be for a long time.

"Who were those people?" she asked, sitting in one of the chairs beside the bed. "Why were they after you?"

I sat in the other chair beside her. "I'm not sure, but I think it's because of what happened last Wednesday night."

She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side. I looked into her eyes, I almost couldn't see the green and brown because it was so dark in this room. The only light was from the moon shining through the window.

"What happened last Wednesday night?"

I thought about that for a moment. Should I tell her? Probably not. If my father knew how much I told her, he would have my head. But I was done with it all. The hiding, the lying, the sneaking around, everything. She deserved to know why we almost just got killed.

"Lorenzo brought me to Casino Vitale. He showed me a man who was sneaking around, trying to find information on us, and what happens to people like that. He tortured him...and killed him." I winced, just having to say those words to her. How could she still look at me when she now knows everything?

Natalie's eyes went wide, and she was quiet for a moment. I felt like crawling into a hole in the ground and never coming out. What was I supposed to do now? What happens if she walks out of here, and I never see her again? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I can't lose her, I need her.

She moved her gaze to the floor, and she looked...she looked angry. My heart was going crazy, it's like the air got caught in my throat. I can't be upset when I know it's my fault. I know I shouldn't have had her or Julian at the cottage. It was risky, and a terrible idea. I knew something was going to happen, if only my father had just believed me.

"Why...why did you keep this from me? For so long? Did you not trust me?" Her eyes snapped back to mine again, a single tear ran down her face. "You let your brother kill that man, why didn't you stop him?"

"What was I supposed to do? That's what happens in this business. I'm sorry, I should have warned you-"

"That man probably had a family who loved him, along with all the others. Your fucking disgusting, Bianca." she started to raise her voice, another tear fell. And I couldn't help when one escaped my eye too.

This can't be it. This can't be the end...

Just then, Julian made a noise. Both of our heads whipped in his direction and he started to stir. I looked back to Natalie and she was getting up from her seat, ready to leave. I got up and stood in front of her, blocking the way.

"Let me go, please," she said sternly.

"Just let me walk Julian home first, then I'll come back and we can talk some more, please Nat. don't go..." I trailed, searching her face for any sign of hope.

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