Chapter 36 - Liar

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Three days had passed since everything went down. I hadn't spoken to Julian or Natalie, and I've been stressed ever since. My father requested that I stay home from school so I could recover, and I was more than happy to do so.

Although that meant that I was missing classes, and I just got an email from Mrs. Wilson that said that I was failing math. I tried not to worry about it, since I didn't even know what I wanted to do after high school.

So, I've been spending my time in bed, bored off my ass trying to get through a Netflix show. I prefer the ones with only two or three seasons, as I don't have the will to watch ten of them.

There was a knock at my door, and it opened. I didn't recognize the man who walked in, as he was holding food with a smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?" Raphael asked softly, moving closer to the bed.

Did Raphael...bring food? Am I seeing this correctly? I can't be. There's no way that Raphael, would bring food for me.

"Who are you?" I questioned, sitting up and taking the tray he handed to me.


"Since when did you care about me enough to bring me food?"

Raphael chuckled, sitting down across from me. "Non ne hai idea, principessa."

(you have no idea, princess.)

"What's that supposed to mean-"

"Just shut up eat the fucking food Bianca, because I will if you don't."

I decided to stop and take a look at the tray. It was pancakes, and every single of them was perfect. I don't think I've ever been able to create a pancake without it looking deformed. The syrup was drizzled over the top with strawberries and a glass of orange juice on the side.

I just stared for a moment, unsure what to say. This looked amazing, like even better than my mother's pancakes. And I haven't met a better chef than her.

I lifted my head to look at Raphael. His curls were wet, some of the water had dripped onto his cheek like he just took a shower. I admired him for a moment. The grey eyes, tan skin, the structure of his jaw, the tattoos that were placed along the side of his neck.

One of them was actually writing. The words were in Italian and it said: 'Fammi entrare' which reads out to be 'Let Me In' translated to English. What could that possibly mean?

I moved my gaze back to the pancakes, picking up the knife and fork beside me. I took a bite, trying to suppress the moan that wanted to escape me. They tasted amazing.

"So..." he trailed nervously, thinking about his words before he spoke. "What's going on with you and the boyfriend...did you guys break up?"

I had a feeling this question was coming, so I went quiet for a moment. I've been trying so hard not to dwell on the situation, because it would only make me sadder than I already was. He must have known he hit a nerve, Raphael adjusted his position on the bed, looking everywhere but me.

Maybe if I talk about it... I'll feel better. Right?

I started to explain everything, from when he tried to tell me he loved me to him calling me a puta. I held the tears back pretty well. I'm no weak girl, I shouldn't be crying about a useless name. All I could do was hope and pray that I could fix things. It would never be the same though. The way he looked at me, with so much fear and disgust, I knew we couldn't be together anymore.

Surprisingly enough, Raphael listened quite intently. His eyes never left my face, and he made no comments about Julian. This was the 'supportive Raphael' I caught a glimpse of before, and I had to admit that I liked him a lot.

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