Chapter 47 - Closure

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Bianca POV:

So, Jason was a fucking psychopath.

Not that I used to be any better. Now that I had witnessed someone acting like I did before, it was greatly concerning for myself.

Daniel had explained his father's history to me briefly. It seemed to be a painful subject, so he didn't go into much detail, but I got the gist of it. He was an abusive asshole who couldn't take no for an answer, whatever it may have been.

Jason hated back talk or being disrespected. So whenever Daniel, Elias, or his mother tried to stand up for themselves, he would lose it. This guy had the worst anger issues I had ever heard about, even worse than mine.

That's why he stabbed me. Daniel's father refused to take shit from other people, especially an eighteen-year-old girl who should have been 'taught manners'. But I didn't regret anything I said, and I honestly didn't feel bad for him.

I only felt for his family. What they had to go through, sounded horrible. And Daniel seemed relieved. I couldn't blame him. By the way he handled it, this sounded like it was floating around his mind for a while. Jason was finally gone, so now they were free.

Another two weeks had passed since then. Daniel and his mother Nina had stayed because Lorenzo insisted he helped find the rat. Although, nothing had progressed. They had been searching and searching, whoever this was, they were smart, and they knew we were looking for them.

Raphael had been busy with Daniel and my brother, but he came to see me when he had time. He managed to sneak away last night and into my room, where we slept together in my bed.

I played with his hair, twirling the curls around my fingers as he laid on my chest. A strong arm wrapped around my waist, and we stayed like that for a while. Talking and enjoying each other's company.

Then my phone started to ring. I pushed Raphael off me, to which he groaned in disappointment. I stared at the called ID for a moment before answering.

"What do you want, mother?"

"The school just called me," she said with a flat tone. "If you don't go in today and talk to the principal about your grades, they won't let you graduate."


In my four years of high school, I had never failed a class. Or even got less than an 80 on a test. Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't been back there in a whole month. And the end of the year was coming up, I was not prepared to redo grade twelve by any means.

"Where have you been?" I asked curiously. Even though I already knew the answer, I wanted to see what she would say.

"Just go to school and fix this mess."

She hung up the phone before I could question any further.

Rolling my eyes, I got out of bed and headed to the washroom. But I almost fell over when a pillow hit me. Turning around, Raphael sat there with a playful smile on his face. "So you're just going to leave me here? Alone, to fend for myself?"

I laughed a little, walking further away from him. "Can you drive me to school today?"

"Of course, princess. I'll see you down there," he called out, and I heard my bedroom door close behind him.

After a shower, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. Attempting to look somewhat presentable. Yet I ended up just throwing some sweats on, as I had no motivation to wear anything else.

When I got to the front door, it wasn't only Raphael waiting for me, but Daniel too. I opened my mouth to say something, then thought there was no point. He could come too, that didn't bother me.

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