Chapter 3 - The Question

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After a long day of boring classes, one of our drivers picked me up from school and took me back to the condo. I've always wondered why we live in a ridiculously sized condo instead of a nice fancy mansion. Like seriously, we live in Toronto for god's sake. I'd rather be living on Briar Hill avenue next to Drake instead of a building on Young street.

Before my family moved here, we lived in Italy. I was only a baby at the time so I don't remember anything but I know it wasn't by choice. My grandfather had just been killed in an act of war, along with half the men that worked for us. There weren't enough people to fight back, my family wouldn't have survived if we didn't flee.

So my mother and father, my 3 brothers, my uncle and cousin all flew here, to rebuild our empire and rise again. That's when my father met Silas. He was originally the doorman at this place until he started working for our family.

I think the reason that my father insisted that we lived in a condo was that his parents and the whole family were murdered in the mansion back in Italy. Not that I blame him but it still would have been nice to meet Drake.

Everything in this place was either grey, white or black. I actually liked the plain colors as they gave the place a really modern look. When you first walk in, there's a big open space with dark wooden floors and a ceiling so high that it reaches the second floor. I started walking across until I heard a noise coming from the tv room.

I slid open the big black doors to the den and took a quick look inside. A large wrap-around grey couch sat in the middle with a fireplace in the front. I noticed that Leonardo was sprawled on the couch, taking up a whole third of it.

"Is anyone home?" I ask as I join him on the couch. He almost fell off in fear as he obviously didn't hear me open the door.

"No one important." He grumbles while getting comfortable again. He ran a hand through his hair before gluing his eyes back to the tv, on it was some basketball game.

I took off my backpack and kicked my feet up onto the small coffee table in front of us. I relaxed on the couch, trying to think of a way to talk to Leo about my question about our father. I know he's going to react negatively but I care about his opinion. I want to hear his thoughts.

"So..." I started. I may as well just rip off the bandaid. No shame right? "I'm going to talk to our father tomorrow."

"About what?" He asks, flipping the channel to a soccer game instead now.

"About what I've been wanting for years now."

Leo let out a huge sigh before getting into a sitting position on the couch. He turns the tv off completely and gives his full attention to me. I just hope he doesn't start crying or something, he can be dramatic sometimes.

"And what exactly are you going to say to him, huh?" He scoffed before adjusting his seating position, to mirror how I was sitting. Then he put his hands on his lap like I had and put on the fakest smile I had ever seen. "Hey dad, I was wondering if you could pretty, pretty please let me join the mafia?" Leo said in the highest-pitched voice possible.

"I don't sound like that, and I sure as hell don't fucking sit like that either," I growled at his imitation of me and he just glared.

I guess he was right to some degree. I mean, if my father was really going to let me join, wouldn't he have already offered? Maybe that's not the case. Maybe he's just waiting for my 18th birthday so that he can ask me officially and it'll all be very exciting.

That's definitely it.

"It's funny how I wish I could get out and you wish you could get in. You don't appreciate the freedom you have Bianca. I promise that you'll regret this." Leo said in the most condescending way possible.

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