Bonus Chapter

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I'm feeling generous so I gift you all a bonus chapter. You are welcome.

And no I didn't write this because I definitely don't miss Bianca and Raphael...

Maybe a little.

Bianca POV:

Exiting my room, I closed the door behind me. As I walked through the hallway, A delicious scent came from downstairs. Intrigued, I descended the staircase and entered the kitchen.

Raphael stood over the stove, stirring a pot of pasta, along with a pan filled with red sauce beside it. Tilting my head to the side, I watched closely. Trying not to get too excited over the fact that my boyfriend was actually cooking.

He rarely cooked.

Other than the couple times he made me pancakes for breakfast, I never saw him in the kitchen. I wasn't sure why, as I was almost certain that he was a very talented chef.

When I approached him, I noticed that he was wearing a pink apron... my mother's apron to be exact. She was the only family member here who owned one, so I guess he didn't have any other options.

"This thing suits you." I pulled at the apron, causing him to turn around.

"I agree," Raphael responded confidently, glancing down at himself. "Pink truly is my colour, don't you think?"

I hummed in approval. He wrapped an arm around me as he continued to stir and cook the pasta, adding seasoning when needed.

"You're cooking? What's the special occasion?"

"I wanted to try Valentina's famous recipe." He dipped the spoon in the spaghetti sauce and lifted it to my mouth. "See if I could do it better than her... was I successful?"

Gently, he pushed the spoon past my lips, allowing me a taste. The sauce touched my tongue, and I tried my best not to visibly show how good it was. Raphael's ego was already big enough.

"It's amazing." I licked my lips, smiling at him. "But don't tell my mother, she doesn't need to know that you cook better than her."

He grinned. "That's not the only reason I decided to cook for us tonight."

I stepped away, resting my back on the counter. Eagerly waiting to hear his other reason, I ran a hand through my hair. "Hmm? What is it?"

Raphael smoothed the apron over his chest, stepping towards me. He grabbed my waist and placed me on the counter, standing between my thighs.

We had a lot of sex. On almost every surface in the penthouse to be exact. Including this counter. It was highly inappropriate, but we were two very horny people. We fucked like rabbits, and I loved it.

"So, I've been thinking..." he trailed, dragging his hand up my leg, from my ankle to my hip. "We should get married."

My heart felt like it stopped beating for a moment.

Married? He wanted to get married? Marriage? Like a wedding? Was he serious?

Things were so good between us, I didn't even think about that. Commitment wasn't one of my strong suits, so naturally, I was nervous.

Marriage meant forever. And of course, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to spend the rest with this man, but what if things went bad? What if we couldn't last? Then what would happen?


"Stop it." He leaned in, pressing sweat kisses along my jaw, his other hand sliding up and down my back. "Stop thinking so hard."

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