Chapter 2 - Julian Moreno

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My alarm went off at the early hour of 7 am. I dragged my ass out of bed and took a hard look in the mirror. My eyes were tired and my hair was looking quite unruly. And then, I stared at my body for a little longer than I should have. I've never been insecure about my look. I wasn't overweight but far from skinny. My physique never stopped me from gaining male attention so I never really give it a second thought.

I like myself.

I've always been quite confident, overachieving and sometimes even too much. When I say too much, I'm talking about being spoiled. Yes, I'm so very spoiled. A daddy's girl if you will. Whenever i want something, he gives it to me. No questions, complaints or comments about it. It's usually just money I ask for, because everything else I get by myself. I work hard for my grades and I've never had to try too hard to get with the guys that I want, they usually just fall head over heels in front of me.

One thing I  never really experienced was rejection. Rejection or just someone simply telling me no. very few times my father has refused to buy me what i want, all ending very poorly for him. I wouldn't have said that I threw a tantrum because that's what children do. My serious anger issues surface and I flip out until someone agrees to give me what I want.

Tomorrow, I have a very important request for my father.

And if he says no, I don't know what I'll do.

After I finished gawking at myself, I brushed my hair, washed my face and got dressed for school. I headed downstairs for breakfast only to see Silas, Luca and Enzo already sitting at the table. To my surprise, Leo wasn't there. He never misses breakfast but he's probably just sleeping. I shook the thought out of my head as I sat down and my mother placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of me.

"Luca," Silas turned his attention to my oldest brother, who was reading over some papers. "Your father wants you to meet him at the casino in an hour, ok?"

"I'll be there." Luca responded before he lifted his head from the paper and settled his gaze on me. "Since your school is on the way Bianca, do you want a ride?"

I almost spat out the mouthful of scrambled eggs that was in my mouth. My brother Luca offering me a ride? I must be hearing things.

Luca is definitely the quiet brother. He usually keeps to himself and focuses on his day. My 25 year old brother is nothing short of a perfectionist, and I've always found it very annoying. He's a workaholic. Always mad if someones late, if something isn't done properly or if things are just not going his way. He still lives at home with us. Not that he doesn't have the money to move out but my father has requested that he stay close. I don't think he'll ever move out until he has a wife and kids. Even if he manages to take a break from the mafia and actually fall in love. He's too determined for his own good.

"Sure, I'll be ready in 10," I answered before taking a bite out of my toast.

Soon after breakfast, I was sitting in the passenger seat of my brother's very expensive BMW. my hair whipped around in the wind as I stuck my head out the window. The air was warm and fresh. Even though mornings suck, I didn't mind it today.

"So, how's school? I know you're a smart kid so you must be doing great." Luca asked me as we took a right turn onto the main street, heading towards the school.

"Ya, it's good. Same old, you know?" I shrugged and shifted in my seat, trying to get more comfortable.

I'm not used to regular conversation with Luca so I found myself quite uncomfortable. I mean, what is there to talk about? He's 7 years older than me, we've never been close. I was almost certain that he didn't even like me.

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