Chapter 23 - Thank You?

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Julian POV:


I should have known what I was in for tonight when we started dancing. The way her hips swayed so effortlessly, I almost couldn't handle it. Bianca was everything I wanted in a woman. Smart, beautiful, and confident. I needed that, because I didn't have it.

I needed her, really. She's probably the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. This could be a love story. Mexican boy comes to Toronto and starts at a new school. He meets a beautiful Italian girl who shows him around and breaks him out of his shell...

I like that.

I lifted one of her legs and she hooked it around my waist. She held my face as we kissed, her lips were so soft, I couldn't pull away. I only did when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Luckily, no one was there to catch us.

We stepped out together and she checked the area, Bianca pulled me back in again. We stumbled down the hall, attempting to make out and walk at the same time. Kind of like the movies, if you ask me.

As soon as we got to the door, she rummaged around in her purse, found the key, and unlocked the door. When we got inside, she kicked the door shut with her foot and pushed me against it.

I didn't know where to touch her, so I put my arms on her shoulders. I then realized that wasn't the right place because she grabbed my hands and moved them to her ass and god, it was nice. I could barely breathe at the speed we were going, the adrenaline was the only thing keeping me upright.

I pushed off the door and she pulled me over to the couch. Bianca laid back and I landed on top of her, trying to prop myself up as best as I could. When I finally found a good position, I placed my lips back on hers.

She moved my hand for me again, placing it on one of her tits. She did this earlier at the semi, so I already knew what to do. I squeezed, and she quietly moaned into my mouth. Bianca then bit my bottom lip, and then I made a noise that I didn't know I could actually make.

Things started escalating a little too quickly when she reached for my pants. My heart rate sped up and I was feeling too fucking  nervous. Whatever she wanted to do, I wasn't prepared for. My head began spinning when she undid my belt. I couldn't help but blurt out, "Wait, I'm a virgin."

What the fuck is wrong with me...

Bianca tensed underneath me, stopping all movement. She looked up from my pants, her eyes as wide as saucers. "Are you serious?"

"Yes.'' I managed to breathe out, I could feel my cheeks heating up by the second.

I'm such an idiota.


"Ok, we can take a break then."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! What kind of guy stops a girl from reaching for their pants? Smart guys. Guys that know what they're doing. Guys that have experience. Sadly, that's not me. I've made a fool of myself. Why did I have to say that? Why did I have to make things so awkward? Why did I have to tell her that I was a virgin-

"Can you get up, so I can get up please?" she asked kindly, with a small smile on her face.

Way to fucking go, Julian. Embarrass yourself even more than you already have.

I got off of Bianca so that she could get up. When she did, we sat there quietly for a couple of minutes. I wish I could know what she was thinking. I wish I could know if I ruined everything with her or not.

"Are you hungry?" she questioned, obviously trying to make conversation. "Because I have food in the fridge."

The fact that her parents let her live alone was fascinating to me. If I asked to move out right now, my father would laugh in my face. My sister Maria is 21 and she still lives with us. "'s ok. Thank you though."

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