Chapter 27 - Mommy Issues

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"This is your fucking boyfriend?" Raphael scoffed as we parked outside of Julian's house, watching him walk down the driveway with his bag. "What the hell is that outfit?"

I already regret agreeing to this trip.

"Please, stop talking," I begged, stepping out of the front seat so I could greet Julian.

What was wrong with his outfit? All he was wearing was a pair of grey Nike shorts and a white tank top. I actually thought he looked really sexy, especially with the gold chain too. Even though this was 100% a fuckboy look, he pulled it off as he does everything.

Raphael was only hating because he had a business or formal style while Julian had more of a streetwear style. Both are nice.

"Hola, cariño," Julian said as he dropped the bag on the sidewalk beside us and wrapped his arms around my waist.

(hi, baby.)

This hug seemed to be tighter than all the other ones, for the obvious reason. I knew Julian was probably staring into the car behind me to look at Raphael while we hugged, to show some sort of 'male dominance'. Even though he was as innocent as it gets, he seemed to gain confidence around other guys, which I found quite attractive, no?

Julian then proceeded to cup my cheeks in his large hands. His big green eyes stared into my soul and I swear, all the air got sucked out of my lungs. He leaned down to kiss me and-

"We don't have all day kids, hurry up and get in the car."

We're not even on our way yet, and I already want to punch Raphael in the throat. Like, shut the fuck up before I actually do it.

Julian rolled his eyes before letting go and picking up his bag. He placed it in the trunk before we got in the back seat together. Raphael turned the key in the ignition and we were finally off.

About 20 minutes later, we were on the highway driving north. People in Canada usually visit their cottage in the summer, but I guess this was a late birthday celebration.

The car was silent, but the tension was truly loud. Raphael was jealous and Julian was protective. I never thought I'd be sitting in a car with these two together. I just hoped that it wouldn't escalate to a fight or something, I didn't want to be put in the middle of that. It was already unfair enough that Raphael couldn't leave us alone, I would definitely explode if he hurt Julian.

"So Julian, who's your favorite singer?" Raph randomly asked, reaching for the radio. He turned it on and flipped through the stations, finally stopping on the song 'Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift. "I bet you like this one, don't you?"

I looked over at the boy sitting beside me. He frowned and then glanced out the window aimlessly, trying to think of a response. "It's alright," he said with a flat tone.

"Just alright? Taylor Swift is the fucking queen!" Raphael raised his voice, trying to sound offended.

Julian then brought his attention to the man in the front seat, confusion clear on his face. I hoped he understood that Raphael was playing with him. "I prefer Nicki Minaj, actually." he shot back.

Raph barked out a laugh that really didn't need to be as loud as it was. He then almost broke his neck trying to look back at Julian. "Your mommy lets you listen to that stuff? I'm pretty sure her music is meant for mature audiences only. No?"

Julian's green eyes narrowed at Raphael's grey ones. I could tell now, that he was getting quite annoyed. He seemed to force his hands under his legs to prevent himself from reaching out and hitting him. This trip was going to shit faster than I had hoped.

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