Chapter 18 - Polite

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"I have to photocopy some papers. If you're not here when I get back, we're going to have a problem."

I rolled my eyes at Mrs.Wilson's words. We're going to have a problem. What problem? Is she going to fight us or something?

Julian and I nodded in response, then she left the room. Mrs.Wilson required that we sit at the front of the class for some reason, but at least she's not here so we can talk and be loud without her being upset.

"So..." I trailed off, turning in my seat so that I could fully face Julian. "What else is there to know about you other than that you're a 6 foot 4, attractive, nice guy?"

The heat started to rise in his cheeks and he let out a nervous chuckle. Julian also turned and now our knees were touching, reminding me of what happened in the lunchroom today. "I'm only 6 foot 3, actually."

"Close enough." I smiled. And I still couldn't get over that Spanish accent. It made him sound so dark and mysterious...yet his personality didn't match at all. Here he was, blushing at the smallest of compliments.

"Well, my father, my 2 sisters, and I moved here a little over 3 weeks ago. The tech company that he works for wanted to expand to different countries so they said they would promote him to the vice president if we relocated, so we did." Julian told me, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose like a cute nerd. I wear glasses sometimes as well but I don't even look half as sexy as he does.

"So that's why you live in that house, you guys are rich rich," I said. It was interesting to know that about him. Just based on the way he talked to me, I would have never guessed that his family was loaded. He just acted like a normal teenager, I liked that about him.

Julian laughed quietly, I could tell that he didn't want to be classified as a 'rich boy', and I felt that same way. My family makes millions of dollars a year from the family business, none of us ever let that become a personality trait though. Rich people love to let you know that they have money, most of the kids at this school are like that.

"Yea, I guess so." he started, then brought his gaze away from my face and onto the ground. He looked nervous again, and I couldn't figure out why until he asked me this question. "I was wondering...since we're talking about my house and my family, do you want to come over again this weekend for a proper dinner? Nothing like what Rosie attempted to make, my father will be cooking. Are you interested?"

His beautiful green eyes connected with mine again, I couldn't stop the smile that appeared. Nor did I want to, looking at Julian was probably one of the most captivating things I had ever experienced. His face was still tainted with that light pink color, anxious while waiting for my response.

Although Julian said he wanted to take things slow, I was getting impatient. I'd never really spent time like this with a guy before, I was usually just ready to jump right into bed. Meeting parents and sisters was a new thing for me, and I didn't know whether to be worried about it or not. I wanted them to like me, just in case there really is a future for us.

I decided to take the risk. I leaned forward and placed my hand on his thigh. He immediately sucked in a sharp breath and looked down to see what I was doing. His eyes widened at the sight, and I didn't want to wait for him to say something first so I took the chance while I had it. "That would be great, I'll be there."

Before he could properly react to my touch, the classroom door opened. I quickly retracted my hand and turned to face who I thought was Mrs.Wilson, but was in fact my brother Lorenzo. He stared at the 2 of us blankly for a second before walking over and looked down at me.

"B, what are you doing here? Raph and I have been waiting outside for the last 20 minutes." he didn't sound mad, just a little annoyed. I forgot that I had my first training session with him today after school.

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