Chapter 34 - Jumped

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"Bianca we need to leave," Julian said, sounding a little too concerned.

"What? Why-"

"Hurry up." he cut me off, grabbing my wrist and pulling me further into the park.

Then, I realized we were going the wrong way. Confused, I looked behind, and spotted what he was trying to save me from. Three men that were all wearing black followed closely behind us. One of them was holding something, but I couldn't make out what it was in the dark.

Julian quickly glanced back at the men, proceeding to pick up his pace. His grip was hurting me, yet I didn't say anything. Whatever those men wanted, it was nothing nice.

"You can't hide from us, Bianca!" one of them yelled across the distance. I shivered at the voice, it was low, and it boomed across the whole park.

Julian whipped his head towards me, the fear clear on his face. "Do you know those people?"

"No, of course not," I responded before we broke into a run.

We turned the corner, sprinting as fast as we could but it was no use. The men caught up with us. Julian stopped running, and as I tried to pull him so we could continue, he pulled me behind him.

"We don't want any trouble," Julian explained, his voice shaky. He's not cut out for fighting, yet he still attempted to protect me.

"Good thing we do then, isn't that right boys?" one of the men announced, causing the other two to chuckle beside him.

They were all wearing black ski masks, so we couldn't see their faces. The same masks that the other men were wearing earlier today when we got attacked. Of course, Julian didn't know this, so he didn't know that this was not a random encounter.

The item I noticed before came into view. It was a baseball bat. I gasped, causing Julian to back up and take me with him. We didn't get far, as the man swung the bat and it hit Julian's knee. I watched him fall to the ground as he screamed in pain.

Fuck. I didn't understand this. What do they want? They already came after us, I don't even know if any of our men died, but they already did the damage. What could they be here for now?

"Julian!" I moved towards him as the man hit Julian again, this time in the stomach. He was sprawled out on the floor, clutching his gut and his leg.

One of the attackers caught me, grabbing my waist from behind to stop me from getting any closer. He forced me to watch as the man continued to hit Julian with the bat, all over his body. Then, one of them got on top and delivered a punch right to his face.

I struggled against the man's hold, but he was so much stronger than me. "Julian! Stop it! Leave him alone!" I continued to call out until a hand clamped over my mouth to shut me up.

I watched as they kept going, beating everything out of Julian. One of them punched while the other kicked him from the side. His face started bleeding, and I was shocked that he wasn't dead yet. Julian let out another cry, and I couldn't let this happen any longer.

Remembering the move that Raphael taught me, I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I squatted down as far as I could and elbowed the man in the side of his ribs. While he was trying to recover from that, I rolled under one of his arms and twisted it as hard as I could.

He groaned, and I continued to kick, causing him to fall onto the grass. I ran to Julian, pulling one of the men off him. I punched him in the face as hard as I could, only for him to do the same. I stumbled back, right into the arms of the man who was originally holding me hostage.

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