Chapter 7 - Clinically Insane

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To my surprise, Julian was actually really good at holding a conversation.

We spent the rest of the time chatting about school and he told me a little more about his sisters which was nice to hear. I told him about Natalie and how we were friends and he said he eventually wanted to hang out altogether which I'm sure would happen. Then, we arranged for me to come over on Saturday to help him with his math homework since we have a test coming up soon. I was excited because that meant that I would most likely be getting some action this weekend.

When we were done with our conversation, Julian was generous enough to clean my garbage as well as his. We made our way to the corner of the street, we were going in opposite directions so we had to say goodbye.

"You looked really nice today, I forgot to tell you earlier in the park." Julian smiled as he leaned up against the side of a brick wall on the corner of the intersection. He stretched his arms above his head, causing his sweatshirt to ride up to his front. I stared at the section of toned, tan skin that was exposed for only a second because his sweatshirt soon came down again.

"Thank you." I snapped my gaze back up to his beautiful green eyes, he noticed that I was looking and started to blush. I chuckled nervously before continuing. "And thank you for today, I had a really good time."

"It was my pleasure, Bianca."

The Spanish accent had me squeezing my thighs together once again. He was so effortlessly gorgeous, just standing there looking at me. I wanted to melt, his gaze felt like fire, and I could feel it traveling over my whole body, heating me up. I looked down when I felt my cheeks starting to flush also, I didn't want him to know he made me this anxious.

"Please text me when you get home. It's dark outside now and I want to make sure that you're safe." Julian asked me, pushing off the wall and stepping closer until he closed the gap between us.

He tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him tower over me. The slight touch of his fingers made my core tighten up. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his warm breath on my mouth, was he going to kiss me? I searched his eyes for the answer, his gaze was hooded and I assumed that it was going to happen. I'm ready. I've wanted to kiss those soft lips ever since I saw them for the first time.

I let my eyes drift shut as he put both his arms around my waist and pulled tight, so our bodies were pressed together once again. It felt like all the air was sucked out of my lungs, the anticipation was killing me. I placed my hands on his neck, ready to make the first move if he wasn't.

With my eyes still closed, I started to pull his face down to mine. I parted my lips and-

"What are you doing?"

Julian's frantic question startled me enough to open my eyes and see what was going on. His eyes widened as his grip on my waist loosened and he took a step away from me. My heart sunk to the bottom of my chest as I watched him back away, his facial expression shocked and surprised. What just happened? He was going in for a kiss and so was I and now we're here, standing several feet away from each other.

"I thought we were going to..." I trailed off, still extremely confused about what the hell just happened.

That stupid blush came back to his face when he turned his head away, afraid to meet my eyes. He readjusted his glasses and then shoved his hands into his pockets. "I...I like what we have right now. I think we should go slow so that I don't mess anything up with you."

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Oh...ok, sure we can do that. I'm sorry then." i could feel the embarrassment rising in my body, it made me feel like I was going to throw up. How could I have done something so foolish? I should have asked him. I should have just told him from the beginning that I didn't want anything serious. I didn't want to go slow, I just wanted to fuck.

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