Chapter 12 - Birthday 'Party'

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"Bianca, wake up!"

The sound of a deep, Italian voice from the other side of my bedroom door woke me out of my sleep. When I opened my eyes, I looked at the ceiling for a second, dreading the fact that I actually had to get up. But then I heard my door creak open.


"What is it?" I grumbled while turning towards him. Raphael peaked his head in the door, obviously having no consideration for the fact that I was fast asleep. I sat up and glared at him.

He sighed and lightly hit his head on the door out of frustration. "It's 1:30. You're supposed to be at the party by 2."

Fuck fuck fuck. I didn't even realize the time. I overslept like an idiot.

I sprung out of bed and pushed him outside, closing the door in his face. "Ok thanks. I'll be ready soon."

I rushed to my closet and stared at the dress. I loved it, I was going to look amazing. I hopped into my shower. I shaved my legs, then washed my hair and body. I wrapped a towel around myself and dried off before slipping into the dress. I sat at my vanity desk and went to work.

I never curl my hair but I felt like it today, so I grabbed the curler out of the drawer. I sectioned off my hair and started at the back. This was going to take longer than I expected. And after a while, my arms started to hurt. I groaned in pain as I heard a fist pound on my door.

"What are you doing in there? It's 1:50, hurry the fuck up or we're going to be super late."

Now rushing myself, I finished my hair. I put on some makeup and some fake eyelashes as quickly as I could before grabbing a random purse from my closet. I shoved my phone, my wallet, extra eyelash glue, and my keys into it before throwing it over my shoulder and exiting my room.

Raphael turned around and trailed his eyes over my body. I once again felt exposed, and just when I thought he would compliment me, he said, "Where are your shoes?"

I looked down at my feet to see that I was only wearing my pink and white polka dot socks that I got when I was about 10. I pulled them on in my room just so that my feet didn't get cold while I was getting ready. I bolted back into my room and picked out a pair of really expensive black heels that my mother got me some time ago. I stepped back into the hall and reached down to pull off one of my socks but then Raphael stopped me by roughly grabbing my wrist.

"It's already 2. We don't have time, just put them in the car," he stated, dragging me down the hallway.

I found myself actually listening to him as we continued to exit the penthouse. We immediately broke into a run, with his hand still wrapped around my wrist, as we made our way to the elevator at the end of the hall. As we stood in silence in the small metal box, taking us to the ground floor, I looked over his appearance.

His body was stuffed into a white long sleeve dress shirt, a black blazer over the top of that, and a pair of black dress pants on his legs. He looked good and he smelled even better like he just got out of the shower. The only tattoos I could see again were the ones on his hands and the ones on his neck. On the hand that didn't have the lion tattoo, he had a hummingbird, which actually surprised me. I liked it.

When we exited the elevator, I had to walk across the cold concrete floor with just socks on. A shiver shot up my spine but thankfully, it only lasted a second because soon enough, we were in the car. Raphael wasted no time, starting the car and then speeding out of the parking garage.

I pulled my seatbelt over my chest and clicked it into place. I reached down to my feet and took off both of my socks, shoving them into my purse.

"Cute socks," he commented with a quiet laugh. He looked over and flashed a cute smile, which only seemed to annoy me more.

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