Chapter 29 - Watch Me

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After the movie finished, we ate dinner with my whole family. Including my father and my mother, Leonardo, Luca, Lorenzo, my uncle Giuseppe and his son Romeo. Raphael and his father didn't end up making it, and I'm not exactly sure where they went.

Julian and Natalie got to properly meet everyone, and it turned out really well. My parents seemed to like him because he was a nice and respectful boy. Luca, Romeo, and Lorenzo seemed to really like Natalie as she was making everyone laugh the whole night. It was great.

After dinner, everyone set off to do their own thing. When nobody was paying attention, I grabbed Julian and we snuck upstairs to the third floor. My room was the only one up there, I liked to have my own space at the cottage so I didn't feel like my family was hovering.

"So...what do you want to do now?" Julian asked, taking a seat on the couch at the far side of my room.

I sat down on the bed and then smirked at him. "I have an idea..."

He knew exactly what I was talking about because his cheeks started to heat up. He looked away for a second before standing up and walking over. "What's the idea?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my neck.

I tried not to get distracted, so I gently pushed him off. He raised a confused eyebrow at me before taking a couple of steps away. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to-"

"Get on your knees."

Julian's eyes went wide, as if he couldn't even comprehend what I just said to him. But he did understand, because he knelt down immediately. Still a little confused, he questioned, "What are we-"

"Shhh..." I cut him off and stood up from the bed. I took a step towards him and dragged my thumb across his bottom lip while he looked up at me with those big, green eyes. "Just do what I say, and I'll let you cum after, yes?"

It took him a second, but he finally nodded his head. I smirked again, and leaned down to press a soft kiss to his lips. I stepped away, and then started to strip out of my clothes. I untied my sweatpants string, and slowly pulled them down my legs, making sure to take as much time as possible.

When that was done, I threw them off to the side and then went to my panties. I tugged at the waistband, but my focus was really all on Julian. I swear this guy didn't blink as he knelt there, with his full attention on me.

Once my bottom half was funny naked, I sat back down on the edge of the bed and opened my legs. "I want you to watch me, ok Julian?"

His eyes were glued to my pussy. He didn't even look away when he said, "Y-yes, I'll watch you."

Since Julian was the way he was, I knew I could do this with him. I don't know why a lot of men have this fascination with being in control, and if they don't it somehow makes them weaker, when it's really the opposite. Being able to give up power, is power. I'm glad that Julian had no experience, meaning I could have my way with him and he seemed to be more than ok with it. Being in charge was a huge turn-on for me. And since I didn't get to do it often, it made this time even better.

I brought one of my hands between my legs and moved my fingers in slow, lazy circles. With my other hand, I pulled the hair tie from my ponytail, allowing the thick brown locks to fall onto my shoulders and chest.

I was already wet within the first couple of minutes, just having Julian on his knees for me like he was. His perfect lips were parted slightly, and his gaze was hot on my body. It was soon after that I saw the bulge grow in his shorts, this was working for him as much as it was for me.

I eased a finger in, my breathing becoming heavier by the second. I felt the build-up begin in my stomach, so I kept a slower momentum so that I couldn't finish right away. I wasn't done with Julian just yet. He carefully watched the fingers go in and out, eventually having to readjust himself in the shorts.

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