Chapter 28 - Suspicious

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"And you said I was rich rich."

Julian scoffed as we pulled into the driveway of our cottage. What is usually a small wooden house was more like a three-story mansion, that's only because my father's always doing too much. I would have been just fine with something that was only four bedrooms, since that's all we need if it's just my parents and siblings.

When we parked, Raphael got out of the car first and went to the trunk. Julian and I followed, we watched him pick up my bag and walk to the house.

"Aren't you going to carry my bag?" Julian called after him, with an offended look on his face.

"You're a big boy now, do it yourself." Raphael shot back as he walked up the steps and disappeared past the screen door.

Julian rolled his eyes and snatched his bag out of the trunk, closing it behind him. Just as I started in the direction of the door, a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into Julian's chest. His green eyes were soft as he studied my face, looking for something.

He placed one of his hands on the small of my back and picked up a piece of my hair with the other. He twirled the thick, straight brown lock with his fingers, watching it very closely before asking. "Everything ok? You were very quiet in the car."

"I was listening to you talk to Raphael, since when did you become so outspoken?"

"Desde que tu conductor empezó a actuar como un gilipollas."

(since your driver started acting like an asshole.)

I huffed at his sentence, since I didn't understand any of it. "English Julian, please." I reminded him.

He gave me an apologetic look and took a deep breath. "I just didn't like the way he was speaking to me, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more respectful next time. People often think I won't talk back because I'm nice, but that's what pisses me off the most."

I wasn't mad at all for what he said. I'm glad he has some sort of backbone, and does not allow people to walk all over him. I was just surprised, that's all. It's weird to see someone being different than they usually are.

"No, don't be sorry." I smiled, reassuring him that everything was good.

He dropped the piece of hair that he was playing with and put that same hand on my cheek. Julian pecked my forehead quickly before ushering the both of us inside.

Something I liked about this place was that even though the space was too big, it still had that rustic wooden design to it. The floors were wood, the walls, the furniture, everything. The color scheme was also white and beige, which was the opposite to back home at the penthouse. It made everything feel very light and happy instead of dark and brooding.

As soon as Julian and I entered the kitchen, Natalie jumped at me. I almost fell to the floor as she hugged me, although it was the most wholesome thing ever, I felt like she was a little too excited. Leonardo and Luca were behind her, standing in the kitchen and talking.

"Fuck, Bianca. I didn't know you were this loaded." she chuckled, flashing me a huge grin.

I hugged her back, also smiling. "Yea, well my father makes a lot of money from the casino. So I guess that's where it comes from."

That's the best excuse I could think of, how else was I supposed to explain my endless wealth to her? I didn't exactly lie, but I didn't tell her that it's mostly illegal gambling. That's just the start.

"That's weird."

I whipped my head around to look at Julian, confused on what he was talking about. His eyes were staring straight ahead of him. I followed his gaze and landed on my brother Luca, who was now speaking to someone on the phone.

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