Chapter 38 - Drive Me Crazy

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Bianca POV:

I helped Raphael off the floor so that he was now standing. A bullet flew past my face. Raph snatched the gun out of my hand and shot the man, just before another one got closer from another direction.

He quickly grabbed his gun off the ground and pulled me away to find shelter. We crouched behind a table that had been flipped over, blocking any shots that were being fired at us.

"I can't believe you," he told me, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Don't give me that," I argued, taking my weapon back from him. "You knew I lied the minute I opened my mouth."

He knew, I knew, we both knew. There was no way I was going to sit this one out.

I could barely hear myself think over the amount of noise being generated in this club. People were yelling, fighting, shooting, many guards had already died from both sides. All I could do was hope that my family would make it, I was sure they would.

He looked up at me and our eyes met. Anger, frustration, and concern were all clear on his face. I knew he would be upset if I came, but how could he expect any less of me?

Raphael let out a sigh. "Remind me to bolt your door shut next time."

"Can you please lecture me later? Because I don't think this is a good time-"

I stopped talking when I heard a shriek that seemed to stand out above all the others. I popped my head up over the table to see Leonardo. He was laid out on the floor, bleeding from the punches being delivered to his face.

My heart started racing as I thought of what to do. I raised my arm over the table and aimed my gun. Another bullet whizzed by, and Raphael put a hand on my shoulder, pushing me down so that I wouldn't get hit.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his grip on me loosened, yet he didn't remove his hand.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I shot back, sarcasm clear in my tone. "Leo's getting his ass handed to him over there."

He then proceeded to look for himself. Once Raphael had done that, he stared at the ground for a second, thinking. "Just stay behind me. And please Bianca, don't get shot."

I opened my mouth to say something, but then I quickly closed it. Raphael was helping me, and that's all that mattered.

He stood up. And instead of dragging me along by my wrist, he held my hand. Looping our fingers together. He began to stride across the club, taking me with him.

Raphael moved quite quickly, shooting everyone who was in our way or got too close. Most of the fight was over by now, ending up with dead bodies and injured men on the floor. Once we made it to my brother's side, Raph let go of my hand and gestured to the man on top of Leo.

"Kill him."

Raphael didn't have to tell me twice. I kicked the man as hard as I could, causing him to fall over. He struggled to get away but failed miserably. I shot him and watched as life drained from his eyes.

I felt more relieved than proud of myself at this moment. The next thing I did was help Leo off the floor. His face was bruised more than Raphael's, and I knew he was in pain. Suddenly, my father walked over, and my eyes went wide.

Surprisingly enough, he didn't yell, or scream, or call me names and tell me that I had embarrassed the whole family. All he did was stare, seeming even more shocked than I was.

He raised an eyebrow and turned to Raphael. "Did she save him?"

Even though Raph had done most of the work getting us there, he still vouched for me. "Yes boss, she did."

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