Chapter 20 - No Cute Stuff

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Saturday came soon enough and it was now time to see Julian. I dressed in a pair of tight blue, high-waisted jeans and a white crop top, I wasn't sure how formal or casual this thing was so I just went with something basic. But I also wanted my tits to look good, as usual.

I waited and waited, and fucking waited for Raphael to leave his post but he never did. I was going to be late if he didn't hurry up and go to the washroom or something. I can't get out of my room if he's standing right there.

So, I tried to find the most convincing excuse I could for the next couple of minutes. And when I finally thought of something, I opened my bedroom door to face Raph.

He turned around. His grey eyes met mine before they slowly traveled down my body, making me feel overly exposed. "Dove vai, vestita così?"

(where are you going, dressed like that?)

"It's none of your business, Raphael." I shot back, almost forgetting why I opened the door in the first place. And besides, what did he mean by 'dressed like that'? It's jeans and a crop top for god's sake.

"It is my business, actually. I'm supposed to be watching you, remember?" he started, taking a step towards me. He leaned down till our faces were inches apart. I could feel his warm breath on my nose when he continued, "So tell me, sweetheart, where are you going?"

I stepped away from him and resisted the urge to come back with something rude. I cleared my throat and put my plan in action. "Lorenzo wants to see you downstairs at his apartment, he just texted me to tell you."

"I don't believe you." he folded his arms over his chest and gave me a distrusting look.

I had a feeling he was going to say that, so my next phrase was important. All I could do was hope and pray that my brother would cover for me, which he usually does. "Call him then."

I took a deep breath as Raphael pulled his phone out of his pocket. He seemed to size me up every time he spoke to my brother, obviously suspicious of my motives. When he finally asked if I was telling the truth, his eyes widened. I couldn't hear Enzo's side of the conversation, but I assumed it was working.

"I'll see you later."

That was all he said before disappearing down the hallway. Thankfully, Lorenzo lied for me and my plan went great. I'm not sure why, or if he even knew what my intentions were by saying that, but I couldn't be grateful enough. I really love that guy.

I waited an extra ten minutes after Raphael was gone before sneaking out of the penthouse.

When I made it to Julian's front door, my heart started knocking against my ribs quite loudly. I was so taken back by that kiss yesterday, it became really awkward again. I know he couldn't help himself, for whatever reason he was the type to get nervous and blush every second of the day, but wow. That kiss was something else, that kiss came from a different part of Julian entirely.

When the door finally opened, I was met by a woman who I assumed was Julian and Rosie's older sister, Maria. She had the same black hair as her younger siblings but instead of green, her eyes were a very light brown color. She was absolutely stunning as well.

"Bianca está aquí." she called into the house behind her, I assumed to alert everyone that I had arrived. Her perfect Spanish accent didn't go unnoticed either. "Come in."

(Bianca is here)

I stepped inside the beautiful house and started to remove my shoes. Once I was done, Julian came down the stairs, and I almost drooled all over myself. He was dressed in a pair of black pants with a grey, white and black plaid oversized t-shirt. It was a simple look, yet he made it so good.

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