Chapter 26 - The Beginning

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That was the response my brother got from the man. He wouldn't speak a word, all he did was stare at every single one of us. I was wondering how effective this method of torture could be, since this was going nowhere.

"Come on...don't be shy. We're all friends here, right?" Enzo taunted as he continued to walk around the man, playing with his gun in his hand.

"I'm not speaking to no fucking Italians." the man snapped, still trying to free his hands from the rope, but it was really no use. He's wasn't moving.

"And when they start to speak to you disrespectfully..." my brother trailed, turning to me. He pointed his gun at the man's crotch and pulled the trigger. "Make sure to shoot them in the balls. Mostra loro chi comanda veramente."

(show them who's really in charge.)

"Fuck!" the man yelped, and a single tear escaped from his eye. He struggled in the chair again, even attempting to stand up but his legs weren't strong enough.

I shivered at what I saw, it's not every day you witness a man having their dick shot at. When I took a step back, I hit Raphael who I didn't even realize was there. As soon as our bodies connected, he placed his hands on my arms to steady me. I felt his warm breath hit my ear, although he didn't say anything.

Blood dripped onto the floor and I forced myself to watch. If I was really going to be doing all this one day, I had to be prepared. It's natural to react this way the first time you watch someone getting tortured, I wonder how many times my brother had done this.

And surprisingly enough, Raph was actually comforting me. He could tell I was tense, so he held on and didn't let go. That shocked me a little, instead of being his usual dickish self, he was trying to help...and it was working.

"Luca, tell our sister where we found this cock sucker. Tell her why we brought him here." Lorenzo instructed as he proceeded to deliver a punch to the man's face.

Leonardo had finally calmed down, and was now sitting in one of the chairs at the far side of the room. Luca cleared his throat and turned to face me. "He was sneaking around the casino. Trying to get information about our family out of the employees. This cock sucker, tried to break into one of our offices thinking he wouldn't get caught."

" tell us who your boss is, and I'll make it quick. Does that sound good-"

"He's obviously not going to tell you. I bet he swore to Omertà." Leo cut Enzo off with a sarcastic tone. He stood up from his seat and joined his brother in front of the man. "Trust me."

The man let out a strangled laugh. He tried to smile sarcastically to the best of his abilities, considering the pain he was in. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he's feeling right now. He turned his head to the side and spat blood onto the floor. "The kid's right. I'm not telling you shit."

I could see the anger start to flow through Lorenzo like a wildfire. I guess we both got that trait from our father. His fists tightened while he let his eyes flutter shut, thinking of what to do. He stormed to the back of the room and rummaged through the desk again.

He returned with a knife. He pushed Leo out of the way before jamming it in the man's shoulder. He cried out and I shivered again, causing Raphael to grip my arms tighter. Lorenzo is so fucking violent...

"Tell me what I want to know!" Enzo retracted the knife from the man's shoulder and held it against his throat before continuing, "Or your fucking dead."

The man laughed again, this time he coughed up blood that went all over his shirt. He shook his head, as if to say that we weren't understanding. He took his time to glance over all of us again, his eyes lingered on me for longer than anyone else, which was extremely creepy. As I stared back at him, something was telling me that he looked familiar.

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