Chapter 13 - Father's Approval

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"Mr. Vitale"

The man greeted my father. He shook his hand and kissed my mothers. I could see her tense when he touched her, my parents definitely didn't know who this was. He started to reach for my hand but my father interrupted him.

"I don't remember inviting you, and I didn't catch your name." my father said with a sharp tone. I could tell he was feeling suspicious by the way he grabbed my mother's waist and pulled her into him.

"You didn't invite me, and you didn't catch my name because I didn't give it." the man responded with a sly smile on his face.

"Who are you?" my mother asked, glaring at him.

"My name is Jack." he shifted on his feet and ran his fingers through his hair. Something about him looked familiar, although this is the first time I've ever seen him. Jack wore a plain shirt and jeans, obviously not here for the formal party.

"Why are you here Jack?" my father questioned, tightening his grip on my mother.

"My brother came to work for you last week and he never came home, I was wondering if you know where he went?"

My eyes widened in shock. The brother in question was not missing, he was dead. Because I killed him.

"I'm sorry I can't help you, I don't know your brother." my father lied, and he was damn good at it too. Not that jack was even the least bit convinced. My mother ended up putting a hand on my shoulder and pulling me close.

Jack's eyes grew angry and frustrated with that answer. I already knew that this wasn't going to end well. "Don't lie to me Mr. Vitale, I know you know where he is."

"Valentina, Bianca, let me have a word alone with Jack here." my mother proceeded to pull me away until we got to the table where my brothers and Raph were sitting.

"What's going on?" Leonardo asked while putting a hand on my shoulder, almost scaring me half to death. I almost fell off my chair at the fact that he actually spoke to me.

"He's looking for his brother," I responded, not trying to seem too interested that he cared.

I looked away from my brother and glanced around the room. Everyone's eyes were on Jack and my father, watching the scene unfold. Jack had now started to raise his voice so that everyone at the party could hear him.

"Where is he! Where is my brother!"

Jack threw his hands in the air as he stepped closer to my father. Luca and Raphael both slowly stood up as Leo and Enzo reached for their weapons in their waistbands.

Then, Jack wrapped his arm around my father's neck and positioned himself to stand behind him. He pulled a gun out of his pants and put it to the side of my father's head.

My brothers and Raphael were all standing now, with their guns pointed at Jack and my father. At least 5 of my father's men rushed over, including Silas and Niccolo, Joseph, and Alfonzo, guns in hand, ready to shoot. And I wasn't surprised to see Jason and Daniel join them, with guns of their own. Jack was almost fully surrounded, no one was behind him on the stage, which gave an advantage to Jack.

I saw this as an opportunity, no one was more prepared to protect my father than me.

I quietly got out of my chair and slowly moved to the food table, grabbing the large knife that was beside the cake. Jack was too distracted by the multiple people standing in front of him with their guns to notice me sneaking behind the stage.

"You're not making it out of here alive." Enzo threatened as he slowly inched closer to them.

Jack barked out a loud laugh and pressed the gun even harder to my father's head. "Neither is he."

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