Chapter 15 - A New Friend

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As soon as the man finished speaking, Daniel pulled me behind him, into the corner of the elevator. He pushed the emergency button, and we stopped moving at the 5th floor.

"Oh come on." the man laughed, throwing his hands in the air. "Why are we fighting when we could both be having a good time with a little miss attitude over there...I bet that mouth can do more than talk back."

"Because I would rather kill you. I'm feeling quite murderous tonight actually." I couldn't see Daniel's face, but I could tell he was smiling.

The man crossed his arms over his chest and scoffed. "I'm 3 times your age buddy. I've been in more fights than the number of years you've been alive."

"And yet you almost passed out when I punched you earlier. That's sad isn't it-"

Daniels' sentence was cut off when the man lunged at him. He shoved Daniel agents the wall right beside me and kneed him in the gut. He groaned in pain but quickly got the upper hand. He punched the man in the same eye as he did before, causing him to stumble back and hit all the buttons behind him.

"Creeps like you don't deserve to live," Daniel growled, throwing another punch to the side of the man's ribs.

"I'm not a creep, I'm a man with needs."

This time, I let out a laugh. The audacity of some people really makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with this world. Who told him that he was so entitled to the point where he could touch me just because he felt like it? Did his mother not teach him the difference between right and wrong?

"What's so funny sweetheart?" he asked, coughing up blood onto the floor because daniel hit him in the mouth again.

"The fact that your such a fucking loser, you have to touch girls at a bar to get off. You don't even know who I am, do you? You don't even know that my father owns this casino?"

He forced out another laugh, with more blood pouring out of his mouth. "I don't give a shit who you are. Look at what you're're just a whore who's asking for it."

And there it is. The intense feeling of fire, rushing through my body. My fists tightened, probably to the point where my palms would start to bleed. I'm a whore? Because I wore a pretty dress?

He's going to pay.

"Don't..." I started, taking my purse and hitting him across the head with it. "Call..." I punched him hard in his right eye, making sure to leave another bruise. "Me a whore." I finished my sentence with a rude kick to his balls. He yelled out a curse as he dropped to his knees, clutching his crotch.

I smiled, watching him suffer in pain. I pushed the emergency button and the elevator continued to ascend to our floor. Just because he pissed me off doesn't mean I can't still have fun with Daniel. I wasn't going to let the anger linger, I would make it subside by the time we got to the room.

The man fell completely to the floor, I watched him as he laid flat on his stomach. I looked up at Daniel who was already staring at me with a smirk. "You're so violent...I love it."

I chuckled before we finally reached the 15th floor. The elevator dinged and the door opened. Daniel stepped out first but before I got the chance, a hand wrapped around my ankle and brought me crashing down to the floor.

"Fuck.." I cursed at the pain, it hit me like a slap to the face. I was now laying flat on my stomach like the man, I quickly turned over onto my back and tried to sit up, but then I was suddenly caged in.

The man grabbed my throat and started to squeeze, I gasped and struggled under his hold, trying to rip his hand away but he was too strong. "Look at you now, got nothing to say, sweetheart?"

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