Chapter 21 - Just A Scratch

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Not much happened on Sunday. It drifted by pretty quickly, consisting of the family dinner and training with Enzo.

That had become an everyday thing, Raphael would sneak me past the front door guards and down to the small gym room I first went to. We still hadn't gotten to the fun stuff, like punching with gloves, but I was willing to wait if that meant I could defend myself properly.

It was now Monday afternoon and I was sitting in the last period, waiting for it to end. I stared at the clock as my music teacher went on and on about concepts I already knew. That's the trouble with being smart. Once you learn everything you need to know, it becomes boring when it's taught to you again. This is how I spend most of my school days anyway.

Neither Julian nor Natalie had this class, so I was alone. It's crazy to think that I actually only have two real friends in the whole world. Most of the female students at this school don't like me because I was prettier than them, or their man wanted me. Two things I obviously couldn't control, so I was never really worried about it.

Since I only met Nat at the beginning of senior year, I was alone for most of high school entirely. I had a friend group in grade ten but shit went south with them real fast, I was better on my own anyway. I would rather have no friends than fake friends.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, so I checked it.

Liam: I'm outside your class, can you come meet me?

My eyes widened at the message. I had a feeling that I knew exactly what this was about, and I didn't want to have to shut him down for the millionth time. But if it had to be done so he wouldn't bother me anymore, then I would do it.

I raised my hand and asked to use the washroom. The teacher said yes, and I opened the door to see Liam's small figure, waiting.

If I was to guess, he was probably only an inch taller than me. Black curly hair, brown eyes, and flawless dark skin. That was something I was always jealous of him for. I don't think I've ever seen him with a pimple in my life. He was a pretty attractive guy, I wouldn't have fucked him if I didn't think so. If only he was less clingy...we'd probably still be hooking up to this day.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, hoping that we could get this over and done with as fast as possible.

"Can we talk in private, please?"

"Sure," I responded reluctantly before he grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hall.

I don't exactly know-how, but we ended up in the janitor's closet. I turned on the light, Liam and I were standing real close, almost too close if you ask me.

Taking in his appearance, he was a pretty skinny guy. So the school uniform hung loosely on his frame, that never bothered me though.

His eyes were on my face for a while, the whole time he was quiet and I was waiting for him to say something. After about two minutes of absolute silence, I decided to start. "This is about Julian, isn't it?"

"Are you seriously dating that Mexican?"

Excuse me?

"What if I am?" I questioned, my voice slightly getting deeper with rage. What's wrong with dating a Mexican? The last time I checked, he was sexy, and better than Liam in every way possible.

Liam's eyes narrowed at me, feeling just as frustrated as i. His hands were in balls at his sides as he breathed slowly, trying to stay calm. "Out of all the people you could have been with, you chose him. I just don't get it. Why did you even break up with me in the first place?"

Is he stupid, or mentally ill? If I didn't have my hands shoved in my pockets, I could have hit him. I really could. How come now, when I finally might be able to be happy, Liam has to come and disturb my peace? All I ever do is mind my own business. I never get into drama, I do my work and I keep to myself. What did I ever do to deserve this?

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