Chapter 25 - Suprise

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"Make sure you're ready in 30 minutes, I'm taking you somewhere," Lorenzo told me before chugging back half of his water bottle.

I threw my boxing gloves on the ground before grabbing water of my own, I was almost out of breath as we just trained for three hours straight. I raised an eyebrow at my brother. "Where?"

"È una sorpresa, B." he chuckled before grabbing his gym bag and walking to the exit.

(it's a surprise.)

A surprise? I really couldn't come up with any surprises that my brother could have for me, and I didn't really like them either. I cant prepare for what I don't know, so what if I'm not ready for this surprise?

I pushed the worry to the back of my head and moved on. I grabbed all my stuff and met with Raphael who was waiting outside. He was wearing a red dress shirt with a silver chain. And let me tell you...that was a dangerous combo. I tried not to stare for too long as we walked down the hall to the elevator.

"Can you please try not to make out with that Julian kid in the back seat on the way to the cottage, please? Because I think I'll crash the car if you do," he said, sounding more than serious.

I rolled my eyes before responding, "We were actually planning on doing it doggy style...but since you asked so nicely I may be able to reconsider."

"He seems like too much of a pussy to do that, if you ask me."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yea, I didn't ask though."

Raphael looked at me with utter disgust on his face, and I couldn't hold back the loud, obnoxious laugh that left my throat. He turned away from me and muttered under his breath. "I bet he can't even make you cum, can he?"

"He can, actually." I shot back.

The audacity...

What was this guy's deal? All he's supposed to do is drive me to school and stand outside of my bedroom he has an opinion on my sex life?

"I could do it so much better than him, I'd bet money on that,"

I almost spit out the water that I was drinking, just hearing him say that. What is he trying to do here? Seduce me? If that's what it is, it's really not working. He really just sounds jealous.

"How much money?" I taunted, standing in the doorway of my bedroom waiting for a response. Let's see how cocky this guy really is...

A smirk appeared on Raphael's face before he cleared his throat and folded his arms over his chest. He stood tall and gazed down at me. "One hundred dollars."

I doubled over, holding my stomach as I snorted at the man's words. Is he for real? A hundred dollars? Raphael really does crack me up sometimes.

His gaze turned into a glare as he watched me laugh at him. "I'm confident enough in my sexual skills that I'm willing to bet one hundred dollars."

"It's too bad I'll never know, isn't it?"


I shut the door in his face before he got the chance to finish his sentence, he's really only tolerable for a short amount of time.

After putting my stuff down, I hopped in the shower and washed my body quickly. I dried off and dressed in a plain pair of black sweatpants and a black hoodie. My brother didn't give me a dress code, so this is what I decided to go with.

I combed through my hair, added some mascara, and watched some TV while I continued to wait. I probably had homework that I should do before the trip this weekend but I really didn't want to do it. It's weird, not being on top of everything like I used to.

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