Chapter 51 - Let Me In

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I woke up, tangled in the sheets of my bed with Raphael. Like every morning, our bodies were somehow touching. This time, one of his legs was between both of mine while an arm draped over my shoulder.

Despite everything that happened yesterday, I felt alright. The man I deeply cared about finally opened up to me, which calmed my nerves as much as possible.

The reason why I stirred in the first place was that my phone rang. I picked it up off the nightstand, my eyebrows raising at the caller ID.

Slowly, I moved out of my position with Raphael and went to the washroom so I wouldn't disturb him. I clicked the answer button and hesitantly raised the phone to my ear.


"'s Manuel, Julian's father."

What the fuck?

"Yes, I remember." I paused, unsure of where this was going. "Is everything alright?"

"No." His voice was shaky. "Julian went to the store last night and left his phone here, but he didn't come back. I was wondering if he went to your he there?"

Julian? He's missing?

"He's not here" I answered honestly, which probably didn't help his father's concern. "I'll call if he comes by."

"Thank you, Bianca."

So...where the hell was this guy? I mean, I don't remember him having friends other than me and Natalie, so where would he have gone? The worst possible scenario flashed through my head. He could be...they could They wouldn't. They couldn't hurt Julian.

If this is what I think it is, then Kaia knows something. She must because there was no other explanation for Julian's disappearance. I had to see her, now.

Creeping back into my room, I saw that Raphael was still asleep. Quietly, I put some clothes on and exited my room.

Once I got downstairs, I put the key in the door, only to find that it was unlocked. But I clearly remember locking it yesterday. Slowly, I stepped inside, scanning the room for any movement. When I saw there was none, I went straight to the bedroom.

The chair under the door had been moved. It was wide open, and all the tape I had used on Kaia was now cut up and on the floor, beside a pair of scissors.

She didn't escape, but someone let her out.

Who could have done that? Giuseppe and Romeo were hiding out at the King mansion, so it had to be someone close by. There was another rat? Another betrayal?

Whatever this was, I needed to tell my father. I stormed out of the apartment and got back into the elevator, going back up to the penthouse.

I took a deep breath before opening the office door. All the air I just inhaled got caught in my throat when I witnessed what was before me.

My father sat at his desk, with an extremely nervous look on his face. My uncle Giuseppe stood beside him, hands behind his back with a sadistic smile playing on his lips.

"Would you like to take a seat?" Giuseppe asked although it sounded more like a demand.

Hesitantly, I sat across from my father, trying to comprehend what was going on here. The office reeked of tension, and I knew this wasn't going to end well.


"Shut up." He snapped, causing me to jump back in my chair. My uncle then pulled out the gun he was holding behind his back and pointed it at the side of my father's head. "Now, you will listen to me."

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