Chapter 42 - Losing

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Just a warning...there's a lot of death in this chapter. If you don't want to read any of that, stop now. Hopefully, y'all can understand that I've had this book idea for a while...this was supposed to happen from the beginning. I'm not going to change my story because of the comments. If you don't want to read my book anymore then that's fine, just don't hate on me as an author.



I...I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The door to the conference room had burst open, I didn't even notice. All I could do was stare at Luca, his body dropped to the ground.

There's no way. I reacted as quickly as I could, jumping up from my seat to run to my brother's side.

"Luca!" I screamed, but my voice was drowned out by the sound of shots firing.

I glanced over at the entrance, a group of men in masks had shown up, one of them must have done this.

My legs moved, I attempted to go to him but an arm yanked me down and pulled me under the table. Raphael.

"I need to get you out of here." He said, dragging me across the floor towards him.

"No." I refused, trying to rip myself from his grasp. "We need to get Luca to the hospital."

"It's too late-"

"No!" I struggled, and struggled, nothing was working. Raphael held me close, yet I couldn't accept that. I couldn't accept what he just told me. "We can save him...let me go, please."

His arms only tightened around me. Everything...everything was so loud. I couldn't hear myself think. I couldn't move. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out.

This wasn't supposed to happen. A meeting. A meeting to deal with the exact same people who had shown up here. We were supposed to figure this out.

Silas appeared beside us, crouching so that he could fit underneath. "I'll take her."

Raphael hesitated before nodding at his father. He placed a hand on my cheek, wiping away a tear that I didn't even know was there. "I'll come to find you after."

I didn't want to go. I didn't want to leave, yet I was left with no choice. Silas's hand wrapped around my wrist before I could object.

He handed his son a gun. Raphael took it and crawled out from under the table, joining the fight. I prayed...I prayed harder than ever before, just so that I could see him again.

We moved to the end of the table before escaping. We ran down the hallway, the noises started to fade, but I could still hear the yelling, the pain, all of it.

"Here." Silas reached into his pants, pulling out a small knife. I took it thankfully. "I don't have anything else."

He began checking the handles of every door, to see if anything was open. They were all locked, I panicked, only adding to the thousands of emotions I was feeling right now.

Two men turned the corner, spotting us immediately. Silas shot them both before they could get any closer. We stepped over their bodies, continuing to search for a hiding place.

There was no time. None to process, to think, to save my brother...Luca. I don't even remember the last thing he said to me, that alone caused another tear to surface.

Finally, we found something. Silas pushed open the room door, hauling me inside before himself.

Another man stood right behind him. I threw the knife, landing it in his chest...

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