Chapter 31 - Get Ready

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I fucked up.

I knocked on Julian's door, but he wouldn't let me in. I sat outside the room for two hours, hoping he would go to the washroom or something, but he must have known I was there, and held the piss inside his body.

At dinner, I knocked on his door again and told him, he came out and walked right past me. We sat at the table with everyone, Julian couldn't even spare me a glance. Once it was over, he immediately went back to his room, ignoring me again.

How did I get here?

Oh, I remember. Julian tried to tell me he loved me and I just said "no" like a heartless bitch. How long was this going to last? Would he eventually calm down and talk to me? I hoped so, because I missed him already.

I spent the rest of my night in my room alone, since Natalie was with Leo, Raphael was god knows where and Julian hated me. I really question myself sometimes. Good one Bianca, good fucking  job.

Luckily enough, I wasn't woken up the next morning, even though I didn't get to sleep in. Today was the day that we were leaving, and so I had to start getting ready. I took a shower, got dressed, and began to pack.

It didn't take me that long, since there wasn't that much stuff, we were only here for a weekend, so I finished within half an hour. I wanted to go check on Julian, but I really didn't feel like embarrassing myself anymore than I have. I was worried. Was this the end of us? Did I really throw it all away because I couldn't handle hearing that he loves me? I'm such an Idiota...

I cleaned the room to the best of my abilities, then I brought all my stuff downstairs. The first floor seemed to be pretty empty other than some of the other bags people already put by the door. I felt hungry, so I entered the kitchen, only to see something I really didn't expect.

What the fuck was this?

Natalie was crying, holding her head in her hands, but that's not what scared me. It was the fact that my uncle was there, comforting her. I never got creepy vibes from Giuseppe, yet right now, I really didn't like the way he was so close to her. She was balling into his chest, and he was rubbing her back slowly.

I've never known much about my uncle. Only the fact that he was older than my brother, and he was supposed to inherit the mafia but something happened with his wife, Romeo's mother. Nobody told me what went down, all I got to know was that it ended up going to my father, and he's been the don ever since.

"Whats going on here?" I asked, startling them both. I didn't give a shit if this guy was my uncle, I would kick his ass if he did anything to my best friend.

Natalie turned around, eyes puffy and red. She was surprised to see me, and by the look on her face, she knew what the situation seemed like. She wiped one last tear off of her face and walked towards me. "I-I got into a big fight with Leo, Giuseppe was just trying to help."

She then wrapped her arms around my shoulders and buried her head into my neck, continuing to cry. I hugged her back, looking over at my uncle while I did it. He looked so guilty, and I was trying to figure out if something else actually did happen or not.

"I'm going to load the car," Giuseppe said nervously and he made his way over to us. "You'll be ok sweetheart." He reached out to touch Natalie again and I smacked his hand away, earning a look of shock from him. He didn't say anything else, gladly he just left.

I continued to hold Natalie. "What happened? Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No, no its ok." she insisted, gripping onto me a little tighter. "We'll be ok, I just needed to let it out."

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