Chapter 32 - Supportive Raphael

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There's nothing that Raphael could have said in this very moment to fully prepare me for what was happening, and he knew that as much as I did.

But hey, I asked for this...didn't I? When I said I wanted to join the mafia, this is one of the perks with it. I couldn't complain, because this is what I wanted so badly.

Now that I'm here, it's a lot worse than I expected. Although I wouldn't pull out, I just need time to get used to this kind of stuff, that's all.

If I wanted to save my best friend and my...well, kind of maybe-boyfriend, then I needed to get my shit together and do exactly what Raphael said.

"Come on princess," Raphael said with a smile. "it'll be just like the movies. Please don't get yourself killed though. If you do, then your brother will kill me too."

"I won't." I scoffed, even though I wasn't sure of that at all. The black SUV was moving fast and almost directly beside us.

"Good." he let out a breath, sounding relieved. "Because We can't have sex if we're both dead."

What do I even say to something so vulgar like that? Thank you? Fuck off? I think I've told him to fuck off more time than I could count on my fingers and it's getting old now, but I know ill say it again. Raphael is Raphael, so I would expect nothing less.

The car finally caught up with us, and one of the tinted windows began to roll down. A man in a mask appeared, pointing an AK-47 directly at us. Raphael and I both ducked into our seats as the man started shooting. The glass shattered completely, all the pieces falling onto my head and my back. Then Natalie's window broke, and a scream escaped her lips.

"Nat, are you ok?" I yelled over the noise, trying to maneuver in such a way so that I could see her and Julian in the back seat.

"Just make it stop Bianca, please!" she begged, the crack in her voice pulled at my heart and I knew what I had to do.

Soon enough, the shooting came to a stop. I peaked over the top to see the masked man reloading his gun. I took the opportunity I had. Pushing down all the fear and nerves that were circulating through me, I popped up.

When the man saw me, he attempted to work faster, afraid that I was going to shoot him but that's now what I did. Aiming the gun at one of the back wheels, I cocked it and pulled the trigger. The sound rang in my ear for a couple of seconds until I realized that I actually hit the target. Air started to escape the tire causing the SUV to swerve to the side.

I was feeling extremely accomplished when the car started to back up, eventually trailing behind us. I sat properly back in my seat, assuming that the car would blow up any second but I was so very wrong.

"They're coming up on this side." Raphael warned, still managing to drive with both hands on the wheel and a gun in his lap. He tensed in his seat as his attention kept switching back and forth from me and the side view mirror.

"You need to shoot them!" I yelled, slowly starting to panic again.  My breathing was becoming heavier and I thought I would defiantly pass out.

"You need to sit on my lap-"

"Absolutely not."

"I would much rather us all be alive, if that's not too much to ask. Now come here-"

"Ouch! That fucking hurt Raph!" I whined as he grabbed my wrist and pulled my upper half onto his side of the car. I knew there was no point to continue fighting, so I gave up and moved the rest of my body on top of him.

"Cazzo, Bianca..." he groaned, his eyes glued to the spot where our hips sat together. He quickly realized that I was sitting on the gun and so he pulled it out from under me. I immediately felt more comfortable, but I really didn't like how close my tits were to his face. "Just try not to move around too much or I think my dick might explode."

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