Chapter 19 - Jealous Julian

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"Torna a casa Raphael, devo parlare immediatamente con mia figlia." My father growled, sending the guard a sharp look.

(go home, I need to speak with my daughter immediately)

"Yes, boss." Raphael looked terrified, as he knew that I was supposed to be taken straight home after school, and it was now way later than that. His gaze dropped to the floor as he turned around and left the penthouse.

My parents both started walking across the open space towards my father's office. Even though he didn't say anything, I knew I was to follow, so I did. When I entered, my mother was sitting on the couch and my father was behind his desk, waiting for me.

I took a seat across from him, forcing my hands into my lap. I helplessly tried to think of all the possible excuses and solutions for the issue I had gotten myself into today but I came up with nothing. Whatever punishment my father had for me, there was no way out.

The tension in the air was as thick as the silence. I could feel my mother's eyes on me from behind, yet she stayed mute like my father. This caused all the nerves in my body to build. I didn't want them to know how anxious I was so I kept my head down until my father finally spoke.

"You know why you're here, right?" he asked. His Italian accent was low and thick, causing a shiver to climb up my spine.


"Bene, allora cominciamo." my father said, leaning forward onto his desk so that our faces were closer than before. He pinned me with a hard look. He was agitated, and I was scared to see how this conversation would end.

(all right, let's get started.)

"Let's go in order, shall we? The first thing you did wrong was asking me that foolish question. If you could join the mafia. You should have known that the answer would be no, and it still is to this day, in case you're wondering."

I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt a little to know that he still feels the same way as before, even after everything. Just thinking about that whole interaction made me upset, so I tried to move past it.

"Then, you proceeded to rob a corner store, che è stata probabilmente una delle cose più stupide che tu abbia mai fatto. After that, you came here and shot one of my new recruits right in the head." he continued to explain, only growing more upset with every word he spoke.

(which was probably the stupidest thing you've ever done.)

This was the only thing that we would agree on. That was incredibly stupid of me, and I feel embarrassed just thinking about it. I acted on impulse, and I never did that. I always think things through very well, but for the last week and a half, I've seemed to lose my better judgment.

"You killed another man at the birthday party, although you saved my life, you were reckless, and he wouldn't have been there in the first place if you didn't murder the first man. You disappeared that night without telling anyone where you were. And finally, you failed a fucking test today!" he ended up yelling the last part, which startled me. His fists were in tight balls as he rested them on the desk, narrowing his brown eyes that had now gone darker since he first looked at me.

I just sat there, thinking about everything I had done.

"And I know that Lorenzo gave you the gun. If you promise to stop acting out, I won't punish him for it. Can you do that? For your brother's sake?"

My eyes widened, how did he know that? I didn't tell anyone, and I'm sure that he didn't either. That didn't matter though, because we were still going to train. All I could do was pray that my father doesn't find out.

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