Chapter 50 - I'm Yours

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"Ti amo," I responded, giving a small smile.

(i love you)

My father walked back over to his desk and put the chairs back in their place. He sat down, pouring himself another drink and relaxing into his seat. "It's late, you should get some rest. We'll deal with the devil's child tomorrow."

I wanted to laugh at the name my father had for Kaia but in all honesty, it wasn't really funny. Tomorrow still awaited us, where we had to get her to talk. And most likely, knowing Kaia for who I thought was Natalie, it might not be so easy next time.

Making my way to the door, I turned around one last time and said, "Goodnight, dad."

"Goodnight, Bianca."

No sooner did I leave the office, I saw Lorenzo, Leonardo, and Raphael come through the front door. Blood stained all of their shirts. Cuts and bruises could be seen on all of their faces. I panicked, rushing over to them.

When I got closer, I realized they weren't as injured as I first believed. The three men were walking fine, but their bodies were in pain. I got the impression that they did more damage than what was done to them.

"That fucking dickhead." Enzo scoffed, wiping a drop of blood from his face. "Nathaniel is protecting Giuseppe. The day I rip his heart from his chest will be the happiest day I ever live."

Putting my hands on Raphael, I scanned him for stab wounds or gunshots. Then I glanced over at my brothers, doing the same with them. Luckily enough, they were okay, considering their current state.

Only then did Lorenzo's words register in my head, bringing me back to the same question I was thinking about before. Why were they working together? How could Giuseppe possibly benefit from this? Other than having protection, wouldn't Nathaniel end up turning around and double-crossing him anyway?

"What happened?" I asked after a couple of moments. The anxiety subsided once I made sure they weren't severely hurt.

"Our beloved uncle is hiding at the King mansion," Leo said, surprising me with his sarcasm. "We couldn't get past the entrance."

"We will." Raphael chimed in, placing his hands on my arms. "That son of a bitch Nathaniel will die. Along with the traitor, you call your uncle."

A throaty laugh left Enzo as he ran a hand through his messy hair. "That is no uncle of mine, at least not anymore."

"Exactly." Leo agreed, shoving his gun in the waistband of his pants. "I've never been so mad in my life. I wish nothing but pain and suffering for that man."

Frustration and anger emanated off of the men standing before me. Leo, although, scared me the most. The fact that he was the sweetest person I knew, made me think that he was extremely violent when he was upset. A permanent scowl was plastered onto his face, something I had never seen before.

Then, Daniel appeared beside us. His eyes went wide when he saw the state that Raphael, Leo, and Enzo were in. He folded his arms over his chests and said, "Looks like I missed one hell of a fight."

"You have no idea." Raphael groaned, letting his head fall onto my shoulder. My chest tightened at the small gesture.

"Come," Daniel ordered as he began to walk into a different part of the penthouse. "I think I found a way to get into the mansion."

The men started to follow, but Raphael didn't get far because my hand closed around his wrist. He turned to me with an eyebrow raised and I gave him a look, one that said I needed to speak with him.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," he called out, to which Daniel nodded his head and disappeared out of sight with my brothers.

Pulling Raphael off to the kitchen, I sat him down on one of the stools next to the counter. I then searched the kitchen, finding the first aid kit that Daniel used on me two weeks ago. I fished it out of the drawer and returned to Raphael, opening the box and inspecting it for the correct materials.

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