Chapter 6 - Food

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I spent the rest of yesterday relaxing around the house, getting birthday wishes from some of the guards, and then having dinner with my family. At about 6 pm, Giuseppe, Romeo, and Romeo's girlfriend Alyssa all came over for Chinese takeout. I know we could have gone out to a fancy restaurant and spent thousands of dollars but I preferred something small.

After getting home from school an hour ago, it was time to get ready and meet Julian.

I prowled over to my closet and opened the door. I stepped inside and started searching for an outfit. I ended up going with a pair of black ripped jeans and a white long sleeve turtleneck. Then I slipped on the black jean jacket that Silas gave me yesterday. On top of the turtleneck, I put on 2 silver chains, plus the cross that Leo gifted me. Next, I put on some white air force's and quickly tied my hair into a high ponytail. With some mascara, highlighter, and some lip gloss, my look was done. I stared at myself in the mirror for a second before leaving the closet, I looked hot as fuck.

Not sure why I made such an effort when I'll probably be taking my clothes off for him later but who knows...

I quickly grabbed the bag that I packed earlier and then proceeded to take the white box out from under my bed. I took the gun out and carefully loaded all the bullets in. When that was done, I placed it in the backpack and closed it. If all goes according to plan, I'll need it later.

I made my way downstairs, ready to leave but I stopped in my tracks. I heard shouts come from the kitchen so I moved closer, then I heard my name. I put my ear up to the door to listen.

"And where do you think she gets these ideas from Giovanni?"

My mother sounded angry, very angry. She must have been, to be raising her voice at my father like that. She never speaks up to him when she knows she should. But I think this time was different because it was about me.

"Non alzare la voce contro di me, Valentina! I never suggested anything to her. Maybe if you actually showed her some attention, took her to the mall, to get her hair done, or to go shopping, she would want to be a proper girl instead of wanting to join the goddamn Mafia!"

My father shot back and I almost burst into the kitchen right there. A proper girl? I'm not a proper girl because I don't want to be like my mother? I'm not a proper fucking girl because I think that I'm capable of more than just being a wife to a man someday? That I can do just as much as my brothers? I can't believe him. I thought he knew me well enough to know that I'm not just gonna sit back and watch everyone do what I deserve to do as well.

"And who do you think her biggest influence is? You said it yourself, I don't spend enough time with my daughter so why would she look up to me? She looks up to you! Are you forgetting how similar the two of you are? You're both stubborn, you both have anger issues, and not to mention, determined as hell. I mean Jesus, you even have the same birthday! She's exactly like you, so why wouldn't she want to be you?"

I couldn't listen to this shit anymore. I could feel my fists tightening at my sides, my ear still pressed the agent's door. I wanted to hit something because I was so mad. I thought my father had forgotten about the issue but I guess he didn't. Why was it so bad that I wanted to work for him? How does that make me 'improper'? I'm not the perfect little girl that they think I am and want me to be, I'm so much more than that. Their words hurt me and fueled the fire I could feel burning inside my stomach. I really needed to leave before I did something I would regret.

Lucky for me, there were no guards at the front door. I didn't want my parents to hear me so I slipped out as quietly as I could.


Julian was already waiting on the park bench when I arrived. He stood up to greet me, wearing a pair of blue jeans and an oversized grey sweatshirt. He was also wearing glasses, which I guess I never noticed until today. He looked sexy in anything he wore but I really liked his outfit.

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