Chapter 17 - Sexy School Girl

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I woke up late again, so I had to scramble to get ready for school. I threw on my school uniform and did my hair in a high ponytail, mascara, necklaces, and the rest of my morning routine.

When I opened my bedroom door, to my surprise, Raphael was nowhere to be seen. I went downstairs and checked the kitchen, the tv room, the dining room, I couldn't find this man anywhere.

When I got to the front of the house I saw Niccolo, and just as I was about to ask him to drive me to school, Raphael came speeding up to me. He was breathing heavily like he just ran laps around the whole penthouse. "Where were you?"

"I was looking for my car keys, sorry." Raph clasped hand with Niccolo before we stepped out of the apartment and made our way to the elevator.

We got into the car and Raphael pulled out of the parking garage. As he drove, I looked over his figure, admiring every part of it.

He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a short sleeve black dress shirt, allowing me to see all of his arm tattoos. The dark ink wrapped around his muscles like an actual sleeve, it was amazing. On the inside of his right wrist, he had a design of a pair of dice. The small cubes showed the numbers 5 and 7 and were on fire as they were rolling. I had never seen anything quite like it before, but that was just one of many.

"Le tue fissazioni, Bianca." the deep, Italian voice spoke from beside me, causing my eyes to fly to his. I blinked a couple of times to see the one side of Raphael's lips starting to tip up into a smirk.

(you're staring, Bianca.)

"I'm not staring." I protested, frowning at him and turning my attention to the road in front of us.

A raspy chuckle came from the back of his throat. Something about a man's laugh will always be attractive to me, no matter what. I turned back to him with an eyebrow raised to see what was so funny.

He relaxed into his seat and lazily hung one hand on the wheel while the other was resting on his thigh. "I love that uniform you're wearing. It makes you look like a sexy school girl from a porno I would watch, all your missing is the glasses. Actually, do you think you could put those on for me?"

A sexy school girl? Really?

Does Raphael think he's funny or something? Yesterday he tried to scold me in the car and now he's making a sad attempt to flirt. Sometimes I wish I could remove people's tongues so that I didn't have to hear them speak but unfortunately, that's illegal.

"You're so pathetic." I scoffed at him, crossing my arms over my chest. All he did was smile at my reaction and laugh once again.

"You know, I like girls that play hard to get. It turns me on-"

I spun my head to look at Raphael, glaring at the side of his face. Probably so hard that he could actually feel it. "I'm not playing hard to get, because you're never going to get me."

What was he trying to achieve here? Out of all the time I've known this man, he never even gave me the time of day. Not that I was really interested in talking to him. But now, I might be. Only for a platonic relationship because he's going to be by my side every day now.

"Questo lo vedremo, principessa."

(we'll see about that, princess.)

I huffed and turned away from him, not looking back until I walked up the school steps. I watched Raphael's car disappear down the road.


Mrs.Wilson definitely wasn't happy to see me walk in late again. The class was so silent that everyone looked up at me when she cleared her throat. After a few seconds, they went back to doing their tests while Mrs.Wilson handed me my own. I took it and made my way to the back of the class.

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