Chapter 5 - Smith & Wesson

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I didn't even get a wink of sleep last night.

My mind was still running from the argument with my father so my thoughts were all scrambled. I did feel a little better yesterday when I hung out with Natalie. After we finished talking about my problems, she ended up asking me for Leonardo's phone number. I gave it to her of course, more for my brother's sake than hers because he really needs a girlfriend. I wonder if they'll actually end up together or not.

I honestly couldn't believe that I turned 18 today. I don't look or feel any different so I guess it's really not that big of a deal. Natalie's already turned 18 and all my brothers turned 18 a while ago so, I guess I was the last one left.

Lucky for me, my parents didn't make me go to school on my birthday so I didn't have to wake up early. When I finally got out of bed, I didn't even change my pajamas before going downstairs to see what's for breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, I saw my mother cooking blueberry pancakes and bacon. The sweet smell of fruit and the savory smell of bacon drifted through the whole apartment, making my stomach grumble.

We used to have a personal chef, he stayed in one of the flats of this building and basically slaved away in the kitchen all day. Whenever we wanted anything, he would make it for us. One day, about 2 or 3 years ago, my mother forced my father to fire the chef. She loves cooking, I think it's the only thing that makes her feel somewhat close to the family. She spends a lot of time by herself, as she doesn't really agree with my father and brother's work ethic. She's a kind woman, she just doesn't know how to show affection to her children or husband. I often wonder what happened to her as a child that made her the way she is. I also wonder why she's even still around, the only reason I could think of is that she really does love my father. No matter how closed off she appears to be.

"Buon compleanno Bianca." My mother told me as she flipped a pancake and then grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge. "I made lots of food so make sure to have as much as you want."

"Thank you." I smiled as I took a plate out of the cupboard. I filled it with pancakes and bacon, then I poured a glass of juice before heading to the table.

Everyone was sitting in the dining room. My father, Luca, Lorenzo, Leonardo, and Silas. I took a seat beside Enzo and started to eat my breakfast. My brothers seemed to already have empty plates in front of them so I guess they didn't wait for me.

"Happy birthday kid," Lorenzo said as he ruffled the hair on top of my head, making it look all frizzy and ugly. Sometimes I don't particularly enjoy having older brothers. He took his hand away and relaxed into his chair before asking. "How do you feel?"

"I still feel like I'm 17, to be honest. Nothing's different." I responded, taking a sip of orange juice. Leo stood up and left the table, I assumed to get some more food.

"I remember when I turned 18. I had a big party with a lot of alcohol, and a lot of women." Enzo chuckled, causing Luca and my father to scoff at him.

My father was being unusually quiet. He wouldn't even meet my gaze when I looked at him. During a couple of rare times we ever had an argument, he would always apologize the next day and give me a hug and a kiss. This time was different. He was really pissed yesterday and I guess he was still pissed now. You'd think that he would put it behind him so that we could enjoy this day, as it was his birthday as well as mine. Not that I put it behind myself either, so I couldn't say anything even if I wanted to.

"We all remember that Lorenzo, you really are something else," Luca said and Enzo huffed. Then Luca proceeded to reach into his back pocket and pull out an envelope. He put it on the table in front of him and then slid it across to me. "Here Bianca, open it."

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