Chapter 41 - Our Future

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The week had passed pretty slow. Raphael had been busy with everyone else preparing for this meeting, so I didn't see too much of him.

Things were still going well though. When he could, he'd sneak into my room and we would kiss for a while, until he was called away to take care of something else.

And my training had continued. Lorenzo took me downstairs whenever he got the chance. I've been learning how to use knives, how to shoot long distances, and how to fight one on one.

I was even able to take my brother down a couple of times, which pissed him off of course. I was surprised, because he was taller than me, even taller than Raphael.

Today was the day of the meeting, so after Enzo and I had finished, we made our way upstairs.

We stepped into the elevator, and all he could do was stare. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to say something.

"I have a feeling you want to make some sort of annoying comment." I broke the silence, folding my arms over my chest.

Enzo laughed, his deep green eyes shining in the light, clear with mischief. "You're fucking my best friend, no?"

Oh my god.

Had he said something? I didn't think he would. How exactly do you explain to your friend that you had sex with their sister? That would have been an awkward conversation.

I knew all the color had drained from my face. My eyes went wide, and I tried to hide the fact that it felt like I wasn't breathing anymore.

"You think I can't read between the lines? I'm no idiot sorella. You think I wouldn't notice when he's been getting some?" He ran a hand through his light brown hair, the loose curls becoming even messier than before.


What do I even say to that?

He didn't seem upset, which was a good thing. My only issue was anyone else finding out. I doubt that Luca or Leo would be pleased to hear this information. Especially my father.

"Just please don't tell dad." I said, it sounded more like a plea than a request.

Enzo looked me up and down, shaking his head. "You know I wouldn't. If I'm being honest, I don't give a shit what you do. Just please, don't get pregnant. Or I will murder Raphael, in the slowest and most painful way possible."

Part of me assumed that was a joke, but there really is no telling with him. And children? That was the absolute last thing on my mind. There was no way I would bring a new life into this world right now, it was too dangerous.

I never really thought about having kids. My mind had always been too focused on working for my father. If I was to ever achieve that, kids would only get in the way. I would have to choose one or the other and I didn't want to be put in that position.

Being in the mafia would be an everyday thing. And that would mean if I wanted to continue doing that while having a baby, I would have to hire a nanny or something.

Out of my limited knowledge of parenting, I knew that was a bad idea. They would grow up alone, without me or Raphael around, I couldn't have that. I wouldn't do the same thing that was done to me.

When I chose to have kids, I wanted to do it right.

The elevator door opened, both Enzo and I stepped out and made our way to the penthouse. My brother walked me to my room, where Raphael was already waiting.

"Hey," he greeted with a smile on his face. "How was training-"

"I'm watching both of you." Lorenzo cut in, pointing at us. "Very, very closely."

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