Chapter 44 - Dirty Girl

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Raphael POV:

I needed this.

To let loose for a night. After all, I did just attend my fathers funeral today. Something I thought I wouldn't have to do for a very long time. But it happened and I got through it, like I get through everything.

As I took another sip of my drink, I realized how unbearably hot it had become in this room. How much was this now? My second? Third? Fourth? I lost count, and that was ok. This is what people do after experiencing trauma. They drink.

I knew the second we got back here, that Daniel would offer. Alcohol was his escape, from his life back in America, his parents, and all of his responsibilities. I couldn't blame him.

Glancing over at him, I noticed that his shirt was unbuttoned at the top. What a genius. I started to undo mine, only the first two. While Daniel had done about four or five, exposing some of his chest.

I then looked over at Bianca. I still couldn't believe how gorgeous she was, every minute of the day. Today was hard for both of us, yet here she is, making the most out of the night.

Her hazel-green eyes were filled with happiness, laughing along at her brother's jokes and enjoying a drink. That was good, this was the best mood she had been in since Luca and my father passed. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy.

Smiling, I stretched my arm out around her shoulders, pulling her closer into my side. Lorenzo stood up from the couch across from us, placing his glass down on the coffee table.

"I'll be back in a second." he said, attempting to walk in a straight line to the door. Once he was gone, I focused my attention on the two people sitting beside me.

"Raphael, do you know how beautiful this woman is?"

Daniel's words caught me off guard, but I didn't hesitate to answer. "Trust me, I know."

Only then did I notice the hand he had placed on her. Bianca gently moved it away, which made me relived. Daniel was drunk, and so I didn't want to give him a hard time. As long as he didn't keep up this behavior...

The longer I looked at the two of them, the more I saw. Daniel's thigh was pressed against Bianca's, they were...they were so close. Why? I kept my mouth shut. Because he wasn't thinking straight right now.

Daniel poured the last of the whisky into his glass and downed it in one gulp. "And...she's such a good kisser too."


Don't punch Daniel. Don't punch Daniel. Don't punch Daniel.

"I've had enough tonight." Bianca said, taking his glass from him and setting it on the ground.

So that means...they kissed? I was right. Well, not fully. I thought they fucked that night, maybe it was just a kiss. I hope it was just a kiss. I really wanted to be the only one who got to see her like that. The only one who made her feel as good as I did.

And besides, that was a long time ago. We weren't even remotely as close then as we are now. But ...I was jealous of him. He got to do what I had been wanting to do for so long. He had the balls and I didn't.

It didn't matter now though, because I had her. She wanted me, and not him.

"Her skin is so soft..." he trailed, then ran a finger down her arm. "Touch it, Raphael. You'll see what I'm talking about."

Instead of doing what he did, I swatted Daniel's hand away, which caused his tired eyes to widen. "Leave her alone," I ordered.

Bianca turned to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Let's just relax, yes?"

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