Chapter 22 - Don't Do That

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I tried to explain to Julian as best as I could who Raphael was. I told him that he was my driver, and he had severe anger issues. It might not totally be a lie, but I definitely left out the fact that he's a part of my family's mafia. I could tell he didn't fully believe me, but he never questioned so that was good enough.

For the last four days, I continued my training with Lorenzo. My legs were sore, but we were finally getting somewhere. He was teaching me basic fighting skills with the punching gloves that I had originally thought we were using. It felt really good to learn this stuff. I really think that all women should be taught how to fight, just in case they're put in a situation where they have to be violent.

Natalie and I went shopping for dresses yesterday, as the semi was tonight. Mine was blue, it stopped a little before the knees, and it was tight fitted like the one I wore to the birthday party. I know it sounds pretty boring, and that's because it is. I've never really been one to focus too much on what I'm wearing.

As Nat and I got ready in my apartment downstairs from the penthouse, I looked at myself through the mirror in the bedroom. Just as I was about to smooth the dress down with my hands, I heard a loud slapping sound and then my ass started to sting.

"Girl, you look so good. How could I not touch it?" Natalie laughed and I eventually joined in. Although it hurt a little, I was distracted by how breathtaking my friend was.

She was wearing a white strapless, thin material dress that made her look so fucking sexy. She was probably an inch shorter than me, her long legs looked absolutely amazing. Natalie had slicked her hair up into a high ponytail and added a long braid to it so that it came all the way down to her butt. And I still couldn't get over her one green eye and one brown eye, my best friend was truly perfect.

"You look hot," I said, trying to pick my jaw off the floor.

She smiled and then did a little spin for me. I couldn't stop staring at her body, to the point where I thought I might actually be ga-

"Stop gawking and get ready." she chuckled and then left the bedroom.

I did what she asked, finishing off my makeup and everything else. When I was done, Natalie and I waited in the living room and talked until we heard a knock on the apartment door. Leonardo was standing there, a growing smile on his face.

It was weird, seeing my brother. Since the night of the birthday, we haven't spoken since he asked that one simple question. Leo was still angry with me, that much was clear. Because he was such an emotional person, he took everything really seriously. But I missed him a lot, I missed the only brother that I had really ever been connected to before Enzo.

His eyes moved slowly over Natalie's body before he gave me a glance that took less than half the time. "You girls look good." Then he proceeded to give me a half-smile, which I felt like was a little progress.

Since Leo was Natalie's date, he picked us up and drove us to the school. Julian offered to drive me but there was no point, as my brother was already here to do the job.

Things were definitely happening with my brother and my best friend. I really didn't mind, if they made each other happy, then I was happy. All I was worried about was Leo keeping his mouth shut. If he ever spoke a word to Natalie about the family business, my father would lose it.

By the time we had arrived at the school, it was dark outside. Julian was waiting for us by the front door and when I first saw him, I almost had a heart attack.

He was dressed in a black pair of jeans and a black short sleeve, button-up dress shirt that allowed his muscles to be shown off. He had no glasses again, making him look all the more dangerous. He seemed to have also gotten a haircut, so the sides were shorter but he left the front long, allowing for it to still fall in front of his face which was my favorite part.

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