Chapter 45 - Mine

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Bianca POV:

Today was Sunday.

Meaning, I would have to sit at a table, eat, and act like everything was okay when it really wasn't. When it really never has been. But this was something I had to get used to over the years, and I believed I had.

The sunlight spilled through the blinds, forcing me to squint. When I tried to sit up, there was a weight on my stomach yet again. I glanced over to see Raphael, laying on his stomach with a hand on me.

I gently moved it and creeped out of bed, checking the time on my phone. It was 2 pm. We slept in late, which made me wonder what time I even crashed last night.

Mostly, I remembered everything. Especially how Daniel embarrassed the fuck out of me in front of Raphael. I was relieved that they didn't fight, I just wished he could have kept his mouth shut. But Daniel was drunk, and so was I. And he apologized after so there was no need to be upset.

Glancing quickly in the mirror, I observed my appearance, which was truly awful. I walked over to my bathroom and started the shower to fix this mess.

When I stripped out of my clothes, I noticed that I wasn't wearing the same thing as yesterday. Did he...yes, he did. I remember, Raphael asked to undress me. I was grateful because I slept really well.

I hopped in the tall glass rectangle and began cleaning myself. Hair, face, body, all of that. As the hot water ran down my back, my muscles relaxed a little. And I couldn't help when my mind dragged me back to the horrific night last week.

This dinner would be the first without Luca or Silas, and that was hard to accept. I already missed seeing them around, and now I would never have the chance to do that again.

Whoever had done this, to them, to us, I hoped with every bone in my body that would rot in hell. It was only a matter of time before they were discovered, and I knew that Lorenzo would give the most painful death they could imagine, which I fully supported.

After I finished, I stepped out and wrapped a white towel around my body. I stood in front of the mirror and reached to grab my hairbrush, then the door opened.

Something was off. Raphael seemed...sad? I'm not sure if that was the right word, I didn't know how else to describe it. He walked towards me a little faster than usual. I moved away till my back hit the wall behind me.

He stopped a couple of inches in front, and when I looked into his eyes, the grey had darkened. Raphael's gaze trailed over my body, and I felt my skin become hot. Nerves built inside me as I tried to think of something to say.

"What's wrong?" I asked, clutching the edge of the towel to keep it secure.

He let out a deep breath, lifting his finger to run it along the edge of the towel. "I just...I just need you right now."

I wasn't convinced. "Is there something else-"

"There's nothing else. There's no one else, it's just you and me."

My heart clenched at the sound of his voice. I could tell he wanted to forget whatever he was thinking about, so that's exactly what I would help him do.

Raphael put two hands on my waist and pulled me off the wall. I let go of the towel and it fell to the ground, exposing everything I had. Even though we had done this before, somehow I managed to still feel nervous, but he reassured me yet again.

"I will never get over this body," he said with a low voice. But not because he just woke up, Raphael sounded...hungry.

He placed his lips on mine. It started off slow and delicate, yet the longer we went on, this became something stronger. He held me tight against him as I threw my arms around his neck. We ended up consumed by each other, every second was more passionate than the last.

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