Chapter 11 - Raphael Caputo

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The next morning, I woke up feeling like absolute shit. My eyes were tired, so I decided to just lay there and relax. There was so much going on right now. My parents hated me, I fought with one of my brothers over dinner yesterday, I'm supposed to be going to Semi with Julian...when is that even? It doesn't matter, that's the least of my problems.

I didn't even do my homework this weekend. I have a test coming up and I'm nowhere near ready, when have I ever been unprepared?

I heard something outside my bedroom door, so I dragged myself out of bed to see what it was. I looked under the door through the small crack and I saw a pair of shoes, just standing there, blocking the way. I quickly swung open the door and a large figure came into view, with their back facing me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked the man, irritation obvious in my tone. He slowly turned around and recognized the face right away. "Raphael...why are you here?"

As he stared down at me, I stared right back, studying his features.

He had grey eyes, like the kind of color that reminded me of stones you would collect on a beach. His hair was similar to Lorenzo's except his curls were tighter, it was a little shorter and the color was darker. Like in the middle of black and light brown. The morning sun shined through my window and made his skin glow. His complexion was like Natalies but lighter. And by his facial structure and his tight curls, there's no way he was fully Italian. If I had to guess, I would probably say he's half African American as well.

"Well, for the past couple of days your father has been thinking about assigning you a guard. Yesterday when you blew up on your brother at dinner, he finally made up his mind." Raphael adjusted his stance and crossed his arms over his chest.

I didn't really listen to what he said, all I could do was look at his body. His muscles were amazing, they were smaller than Julians but it made sense because it was proportionate to the rest of him. He was shorter than Julian. If he was 6'4 then Raphael was about 6'1, I think. I'm definitely not complaining though, there's no denying that this man was just as gorgeous as Julian, seriously.

Of course, he had stereotypical bad boy tattoos. I assumed that the dark ink on his neck was connected to the tattoos on his hands. I didn't know for sure because he was wearing a long sleeve shirt. He even had the Vitale family tattoo. A lion roaring with a crown on its head was on his middle finger in the right hand. I looked back up to meet his eyes and I noticed that his gaze was also lingering over my body.

"And maybe you should put some pants on. I don't think your father or your brothers would approve of me speaking to you like this." he chuckled and turned around to his original position.

I stared at his back for a second before I looked down at my own legs. He was right, I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt and underwear. I didn't even realize that I was half-naked.

I scoffed loudly before slamming the door shut. Who did my father think he was, giving me a babysitter? I'm 18, I'm pretty sure I can look out for myself.

I tried to push down my anger as I got dressed for school. I pulled on the uniform, which was a white and blue plaid skirt with a navy blue shirt with the school crest on it. I brushed my hair, put on my jewelry, some mascara, and some nice perfume. I grabbed my backpack and opened my bedroom door, the same large man was still stationed outside, blocking my way.

"Move please." I snapped at him.

He moved out of the way and I closed the door. As I walked down the hall, I heard heavy footsteps behind. I whirled around and sure enough, Raphael was right there.

"Are you a lost puppy or something? You don't need to follow me."

A smirk appeared on his lips, he was obviously enjoying my frustration. "I think I do actually, because who's going to make sure that you don't kill anyone else?"

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