Chapter 52 - I Love You

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I cut the rope just in time before the shot went off.

Jumping up from my knees, I caught Giuseppe in a chokehold, with the knife to his throat. Both Romeo and Niccolo pointed their weapons in my direction, although they did not fire. Because if they did, I was taking this man with me as well.

Scanning the office, I saw Romeo standing over Julian's body, Niccolo standing over Raphael in his kneeling position, and Kaia...she was gone. And so was Daniel.

During my attempt to stop Giuseppe, Kaia had escaped with Daniel's body before I could even notice. The office door was open, and I could see her dragging him along the open space and out of the penthouse. Why would she take his body? To dispose of it? Why now?

It didn't matter now. I turned back to the men standing before me, with hard glares on both of their faces. "Drop the knife," Niccolo said.

"Where's Leonardo? Lorenzo? Where are they?" I questioned, pressing the knife harder into my uncle's neck, causing him to groan.

His hand came to pull at my arm, to loosen the grip but it didn't work. The adrenalin that drove me made it impossible to move. Romeo inched a little closer, to which I backed up.

"Probably dead." Giuseppe started, wincing at the pain I was inflicting. "They went back to the King mansion, looking for me. Though I doubt they made it out alive."

"And my mother?"

"Only God knows where that woman is," he laughed as if something was actually funny at this moment. "Go ahead, kill me. This isn't the end."

More sadness flowed through me. My brothers...I didn't even get to say goodbye. To any of them, including Luca. My mother too. As much as I hated her, I didn't wish her death. Never would I wish that on her.

Niccolo moved his aim so that it was pointed at the back of Raphael's head. "Kill him, and he dies too."

"And just to think..." Raphael trailed, letting out a sarcastic laugh. "You were my friend Niccolo. And Romeo."

"If you think about it, this plan is smart," Niccolo stated, trying to justify his actions. "A bigger business means more money."

A bigger business means more money. That also means betraying your closest friends...was that worth it? Apparently so, because here we were, and everyone had a weapon pointed at them. I never thought I'd be here. In an office with my dead father, my dead ex, and the people trying to take the mafia right from under our feet.

A million emotions were bouncing around my mind. I didn't know what to think about first, or even what to say. I couldn't kill him now, because then Raphael would die...and I couldn't have that. I wouldn't have that.

But then suddenly, a shot was fired and Romeo's body fell to the ground right next to Julian. Giuseppe let out a scream for his son, Niccolo's head whipped around to see where it came from until he too fell.

Through blurry eyesight, someone appeared in the doorway. It was my fucking mother.

"Valentina..." Giuseppe gasped, I felt his breath hitch. "Wait, don't do this-"

"Do it, Bianca." my mother ordered, and I obeyed.

I slowly dragged the knife across my uncle's throat. Blood sprayed the floor and my hand, I felt a sick sense of pleasure when he struggled. Attempting to pull my arm down to save his life. I let go of his body and he fell to the floor.

Before I even got to take a breath, Raphael shot up and threw his arms around me. His mother must have untied him, which I was grateful for. I returned the hug, allowing the relief to flow through me as I sank into his touch.

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