Chapter 10 - Whats The Harm?

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Julian pulled me by my arm, down the stairs, and around the corner. When we got close to our destination, he stepped behind me and put a hand over my eyes. Then he snagged an arm around my waist and directed me forward. Butterflies erupted inside me, Julians front pressed up against my back had me feeling some type of way. I had no clue what this was about.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I tried to pry his fingers apart so that I could see through the cracks but of course, he didn't budge.

"I have a surprise for you." he simply said, I could tell by his tone of voice that he was smiling.

Just a minute ago, I was about to tell him that I wanted something with no feelings. Now, he was dragging me to a surprise. A fucking couldn't get worse than this, could it? All I could do was hope and pray that he wouldn't propose. I mean seriously, I've known this man for a week!

When I finally felt the cool tile under my feet, I knew that we were in his kitchen. The scent of rich gravy carried through the room, what could we be eating?

We came to a stop and Julian pulled his arm away from my waist. I instantly missed the touch, even though one of his large hands was still covering my eyes. I tugged on that arm, trying to see what he had planned but he didn't let go. We just stood there.

"Fuera, joder!" Julian Glumbled. Unaware of what that meant, he sounded annoyed and I assumed he was talking to his sister.

(get out, fuck)

"Es una estupidez. Me siento mal por la pobre chica." Rosie shot back, her Spanish accent was just as thick as Julians, it was cute. And even though I don't know Spanish, it's similar to Italian, and I know for a fact she just called him stupid.

(this is stupid. I feel bad for the poor girl.)

I let out a chuckle, still pulling on the hand that was blocking my vision. "Can I see now?"

"Sí, señora."

(yes, ma'am.)

He removed the hand from my face. Julian and I were standing in front of a long, black wooden table. There were 2 placemats set, and a set of candles in the middle. There were also flowers in a vase beside the candles. Then, a covered pot was placed in between the 2 plates, with a large serving spoon next to it. This looked a lot like a...

A date.

My eyes went wide at the scene in front of me. He really was going to propose, wasn't he...

"Do you like it?" his low, soothing voice asked, snapping my attention back to him. He also looked at me with wide eyes, searching my face for an answer to his question.

Ok. This is where I have to break it with him. But his sister and him seemed to have planned this, what if he put a lot of thought into it? Shut up. I cursed myself. I couldn't lie to him, I had to tell him it was too much. I looked into his longing green eyes, preparing myself to shatter his confidence...ok. Here we go.

"I love it."

God, I'm so pathetic.

"Here." Julian caught my wrist and dragged me to the table and pulled out my chair for me. "Sit."

I did what I was told. I sat, nervously looking over the table before me. The flowers were red roses and they smelled amazing. Along with whatever food was in that pot, waiting for us. As soon as Julian finished pushing in my chair for me, he hurried to his own chair and took a seat. A wide smile was on his face as he removed the lid of the pot.

Julian's sister Rosie, attempted to make poutine. Even though it's the easiest thing to make in the world, she used grated cheese instead of cheese curds, and she also added way too much gravy. To the point where the fries were swimming in it. Julian's smile faded as he looked at the poutine, his facial expression was extremely disappointed.

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