Chapter 40 - Have It All

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I slept better last night than I had in weeks.

And that was for the obvious reason. Heat began to rise in my cheeks as I thought about everything. I really did that. We really did that.

Raphael's arm was wrapped around my shoulders, tucking me into his chest. His chin rested on my head, and I wondered how we even got into this position. When we had gone to sleep, he lightly rested his hand on my waist, and now I could barely move.

I definitely wasn't complaining. His body was warm, and I could hear him breathing peacefully. This was comfortable. Everything about this felt so comfortable, like it was just any other regular morning.

There were no words to describe exactly what this was. And that's exactly why he tried to leave last night. Raph was nervous, and I didnt blame him. I was as well to a degree, but I knew it was worse for him. He liked me, we had sex, so what does that mean for us now?

Don't worry. That's what I've been telling myself. We have time. The rest of our lives to figure out what's going on, for me to figure out what I really thought about this. All I knew, for now, was that this wasn't bad. Raphael and I together, dating, hooking up...this wasn't bad.

Maybe...this was good? It could be. The man knows everything I've done, what my family does, and who I am. There was no need to hide or keep secrets. That was important.

He was important.

And this was the first man that had ever slept in my room. I wanted to be a little presentable, so he didn't see whatever my hair was looking like or how my breath smelled. That would be embarrassing.

Attempting not to wake him, I moved slowly. Uncurling his arm to the point where it was laying flat on the bed. I took a deep breath, sat up, and started scooting away.

Of course, I didn't get far. That arm I worked so hard to move folded around my waist, bringing me back to the exact place I just was, as if I hadn't even tried to get away at all.

"Where are you going?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

"Nowhere apparently," I said, tilting my head up to look at him.

"That's what I thought." his arm tightened around my body. "Because I doubt that you would be trying to sneak away after having the best sex in your entire life."

I couldn't argue with that.

Raphael chuckled softly when I didn't respond, because he knew what I was thinking. His hand went up the back of my shirt, slowly dragging his fingers across the skin. He let his eyes flutter shut, resting our foreheads together.



"Do I make you feel good?" he began, confusing me a little. "When I touch you, or kiss you, do I make you feel good?"

I didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes, why?"

"Because, I want you to think about that. Before you decide to regret anything we did, I want you to think about how I make you feel."

Well, if he couldn't guess, I was already doing that.

His eyes stayed closed, and I was very happy. I didn't exactly know how my face looked at the moment. Whether I was still blushing, or I was smiling uncontrollably, he didn't need to know it was that good. It would only inflate his ego more than it already was.

My legs still ached. But it was a good sort of pain. One that reminded me of what happened, one that made me want to do it again. Jesus, what I would do to be fucked like that again-

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