Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- (Chapter 40) Illegal Ocean Swimming

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Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad
Chapter 40

Pic on the side is sent to me by the lovely @camo_rebel99! Thanks girl! 😊


Before I knew it, August had rolled around the corner and I was happy, yet scared.

Happy for the fact that I would be eighteen on the twenty eighth but scared because I would finally be considered a adult.

Sure I have been working on and off at the bar, saving up money, but I still have no idea what the hell I'm going to do with my life. It feels like I'm stuck in a hole and can't get out.

According to Tatum, it will all work out. Honestly, at this point in the game, it's hard to have hope.

I'm happy for him though, apparently the farm is doing well and pulling in the money. Tatum's also been bringing a lot in just working on the cars at the shop. I've also seen random people dropping off guns for Tatum to fix. Believe it or not, a damn gun to fix brings him around five hundred or so.

When he told me, I dropped my mouth open in shock.

Coming out of my day dream, I smiled at a customer across the bar who gave me a five dollar tip for just a five dollar beer. He slid the ten bucks over the mahogany counter, winked, and said "Keep the change darlin'."

I sighed as I wiped down the bar with my wash cloth. The clock today was just ticking by, maybe because it was the afternoon shift and it was never as busy as the nights.

I shouldn't really complain though because I've made a hundred in tips just working today. It really pays off to be eye candy to a bunch of drunks. Tatum doesn't really like that end of my job, but it's something that keeps me going.

Since my mothers been back, I haven't really been staying at the house. I've mostly been staying with Tatum. My mother finally managed to pay off months worth of mortgage bills and there were no longer eviction notices on our door.

The bells above the door to the bar rung letting me know that a customer had just walked in. I looked up and smiled big and wide.

Tatum waved at me and I threw my wash rag into the bin and hopped over the counter which got me a few looks. Atleast I did it pretty skillfully.

I skip over and he picks me up in a hug, nestling his face in the crevice of my neck.

"I missed you." He whispered, "Once you're done here I have a surprise."

He releases me from the hug and I jump up on my piggy toes to give him a peck on the lips, "My shifts over in-" I check my phone, "fifteen minutes."

He smiled big and wide, "Great."

I heard a throat clearing behind me and I turn to see Doug leaning behind the counter, "Addison, wash up, hang your apron. You can leave early, go have fun."

I noticed Tatum giving him a manly nod but I pushed it in the back of my head before I smiled, "Thank you so much Doug!"

I ran to the kitchen, hung up my apron, and said goodbye to Rosette who looked like she could sleep for years.

"Wheah you goin' darlin?" She smiled that adorable gap toothed one.

"Doug is letting me off a few minutes early. My boyfriend has a surprise for me." I say, the giddiness inside me building up.

"Your boyfriend is he-ah now?" She questioned and I nodded my head. "Girl, in that case I gotta meet this feller!"

She shuffled from behind the big grill and and followed me out into the dining area where I see Tatum and Doug talking about something. I wondered what they were talking about...

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