Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 11- (Baby You Can Crash My Party Anytime)

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Hey guys! So I seriously can't wait for the next few weeks and for June! I'm going on a school field trip to the zoo next Wednesday, June first I'm seeing LUKE BRYAN, FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE, AND THOMPSON SQUARE in concert like I can even breathe. Then I have my (hopefully) sweet 16 b-day party, then we are going camping to PA to go to Celtic weekend at the PA Ren Faire, then its my actual 16th birthday on the 28th of June!

Anyway, hope you enjoy chapter 11!


CHAPTER 11- (Baby You Can Crash My Party Anytime)

Tatum handed me yet another tissue. I felt so weak and so vulnerable. I am such a petty little girl but I can't help it... My grandmother was my backbone in this dog-eat-dog world. I was however thankful that Tatum was next to me. Even though I had just told him everything, it felt so much better...

I guess it was just getting that all off of my chest... I hadn't even told my best friend back in New Jersey...

My heart hurts...

I looked at Tatum, my eyes still a bit watery, "I'm so sorry..." I wiped my eyes and stood up throwing the fleece blanket off of me, "I should never have came here and dumped all my problems on you... I'm so stupid, I don't know what on earth I was thinking..."

Before I could even turn around, Tatum was already standing up from his rustic couch, grabbing a hold of my right wrist, making me turn and face him.

He looked angry and I knew immediately just how angry he was when his hand started to squeeze my bones. His free hand was curled into a fist at his side.

Oh no...

World War III...

He was squeezing so hard, it actually hurt, "Tatum let go..." he immediately let go and his face softened just a bit.

He gritted his teeth, "I'm sorry... If it weren't for you, I would grab my twelve gauge or compound and march my ass over to your house..." he balled his fists again, "Or I would just use my hands to rip your fathers throat out..."

The look in his eyes scared me to pieces...

"Tatum-" I cut him off, "can we just forget this ever happened?" I pleaded but his eyes got even darker...

"How can you expect me to forget about what you just told me!?" he huffed, "No woman should EVER be a mans punching bag. Drunk or sober!" He grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes, "Do you understand me? You are better then a punching bag so if ANYONE ever touches you, you come to me. Got it."

I stifly nodded my head, involuntarily letting a tear slip by, "Thanks Tatum."

He took my small hands in his big ones, "I promise you I will never hurt you, got it?"

I smiled and nodded. Before I could stop myself, I reached in and grabbed a hold of Tatums back pulling him in towards me. Tatum responded immediately by wrapping his long, muscular arms around my lower back.

I liked this.

Tatum's voice rang from just above my left ear, "Baby, you can crash my party anytime."

I released my grasp,"What?" I thought about his words for a moment, "Isn't that a song? I think I've heard that around town."

"Yes it's a song by Luke Bryan but what I said is true, anytime you need me, just give me a ring." he looked at me with a genuine smile.

"Well thanks..." I gave a shy smile. "Well, I probably should go before my parents flip out... They probably are going to wan't me to pack."

"Pack?" Tatum asked.

I sighed, "Yeah, I'm probably going back to New Jersey for the funeral..." Just the thought of my grandma made me want to bawl my eyes out...

"Oh that's right," he paused. "You should just stay here the night... It's not safe to drive in this weather... I saw on the news there was a tornado warning." He pointed towards the window and that's when I realised it was raining cats and dogs. Not to mention the large booms of thunder that rattled my eyes in their sockets, and the lighting that lit up the entire room.

I pondered about his invitation... Was he asking me to sleep over? "What about your father?"

Tatum snorted angrily, 'Don't worry, he's off getting hammered." Tatum gave me a reassuring smile, "You can sleep in my room and I can sleep on the couch." I gave him the are-you-sure look but he nodded his head confirming. "Are you tired now?" he asked.

"Um, yeah actually I am."

Tatum grabbed my hand, "Alright follow me." He led me through his one story house and took me towards a very old looking wooden door, "Sorry if it's messy."

Tatum opened the door but his room was by far messy. The bed was neatly made with a confederate flag comforter, and nothing was lying on the ground besides a pair of basketball shorts. On top of the dresser was a bottle of cologne, deodorant, a picture, and a bottle of what appeared to be whiskey.

I smiled just a bit before walking over to the dresser looking at the picture, the beautiful woman was gorgeous. It was old but still in color. "Is this your mother?"

Within a second Tatum was by my side, "That's her."

"She is beautiful. You look just like her..." I smiled and looked at Tatum, "What was her name?"


That name sounded so familiar..."I used her horse tack didn't it?" That's it! I used horse tack that had the name Gloria engraved into. Tatum lied about the name which made me mad but I pushed it aside.

"Yep." Tatum responded.

"I'm sorry Tatum! You should have told me! I would never have used it if I'd-"

"Shh." Tatum laughed, "Don't worry it's fine. Really." He smiled down at me, "Now you can get in bed and I'll bring you a glass of water." I nodded and just as Tatum turned around the lights surged a few times before it went dark. Awesome... "Sh!t." Tatum must have whipped out his cell phone from his pocket because a little light came from the door way. "I'll be back Addison."

I was now sitting on Tatum's bed, kicking off my shoes. I pulled the Confederate comforter over my legs and laid down in Tatum's soft bed that smelt just like him.

It is so intoxicating...

I then saw Tatum's phone light come up the hallway and before you knew it, he was back in his room again with what I would assume was a glass of water. "Sorry about the power..."

I chuckled, "Don't worry. It's not like you can control it."

The small light was shined towards me, "Sit up a bit," I sat up and Tatum handed me a glass of water and before you knew it he was exiting his room saying goodnight.

And then I said the unthinkable to him, "Please stay in here?"


I slowly opened my eyes and I immediately realised I was in Tatum's room, laying on his bed. It wasn't until a few seconds after, that I realised Tatum's bare and very heavy arm was wrapped around my torso.


What the heck...

Tatum is spooning me...

Oh my God...

I turned my head over more to the left only to see that Tatum was completely shirtless... The comforter stopped just before his toned waist...

The worst part is, I couln't stop stairing...

How could one not stare at a beautiful sculpted bad boy cowboy... A few time I have heard Tatum say that "You can't get these muscles anywhere but a farm." and at first I didn't believe him... But he was more built the some of the guys down at the Jersey beaches..

Now I believed him...

Sure I've seen him shirtless before, but now that Tatum was sleeping, I could fully creep on him and not feel awkward. I couln't really see his chest because it was against my back, but that didn't matter. What I saw was the hottest thing ever...

I chuckled and apparently Tatum was a light sleeper because he moaned and flipped over so he was no longer spooning me. He was now on his back, his entire body was exposed and I think I froze...


He looked so hot and his hair is so messy but so sexy... Oh my God I'm going to hell...

He was just peacefully sleeping next to me and all I could do was freak out and breathe like a crazy psycho.

Judging by he amount of light coming through the cracks of curtain covering the window, I guessed that it was around ten in the morning. My parents are probably looking for me right now...

I then spotted the half empty glass of water resting on the nightstand next to me. I cursed myself because now I fell like I really have to pee!

How am I gonna move when Tatum is such a light sleeper! Maybe I can just slip out of his bed, grab my shoes, and make a run for it and leave...

That was my plan...

I slowly uncovered myself from Tatum's blanket, making sure not to breathe... I then throw my legs over the side of the bed one by one, disturbing my weight evenly, standing up ever so slowly...

So far so good...

I bent down and grabbed my shoes before tiptoeing towards Tatum's open door. Just as I was under the door frame I heard a voice...

"Leaving so soon Belle?" Tatum... I could just hear the smirk in his voice..


Dangit! I was so close to getting out of here without having to have any awkward conversations. I slowly turned around and smiled at Tatum who was currently sitting up in bed, his back and head resting on the headboard.

I was trying so hard not to let my eyes wander down his chest...

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't think I was that loud..."

"Trust me Belle, you were. I was awake from the moment you started hyperventilating." Tatum smirked and I glared. "And don't deny that you weren't checking me out."

"I was no-"

Tatum cut me off, "You were."

"Weren't." I fought back hopelessly...

Tatum jumped up from his bed, "OK. Try not to look at me now..." He was now standing infront of me and I audibly gulped down the knot in my throat. I wanted to look at him so bad...

"P-put some clothes on!"

Tatum grabbed my hand and I glared at him. "What's that stutter for Belle?" He smirked, "You know you wanna look."

He moved my hand and that's when I felt it touch his warm body. Of course I would look down to see my hand resting at the hem of his low hanging basketball shorts.

Holly crud...

He was beautiful...

I was getting lost in his hotness, "Gotcha." Tatum smirked and I ripped my hand away and ran down the hallway. I was just about to sit on the couch to put on my shoes but Tatum's father was passed out drunk.

Instead I settled in the chair and slipped on my shoes. Tatum followed me and luckily he pulled a wife beater over his body.

I could still see his arm muscles but it wasn't as bad now because his whole upper-half wasn't exposed.

"Thanks for letting me stay Tatum but I really have to go before my parents send SWAT out to get me." I smiled and also glared a bit, still scarred from the incident a few minutes ago. Not that I was badly scarred, I just probably would ever be able to get the mental picture of his rocking body out of my head.

Tatum grabbed my shoulders near the door, "You need anything, you just give me a call. Okay?" I smiled and nodded my head before rolling on the ball of my feet to kiss his slightly stubbly cheek.

"You know Tatum, you may be cocky and arrogant, but sometimes you surprise me." He gave a slight smile and nodded his head before handing me my car keys. Once I reached my car, I opened it up and before I slid in, I waved at Tatum. I waved at the very handsome boy who is so cocky. I waved at the boy who was slowly growing on me...


Pulling into my actual driveway, I was completely dreading it... My parents were going to freak out and probably ground me again. On the short drive from Tatum's place to mine, I realised that I just wanted this to be over with.

When I walked through the door, I saw my mother sobbing on the couch. She wasn't sobbing, it was like wailing. Danny was by her side, with his arm around her shoulder. When her bloodshot eyes landed on me, she began to cry harder. "Oh sweetie- I-I'm s-so sorry."

My mother stood from the couch and walked over to me, "Baby, I gotta tell you something-"

"When are we going back to New Jersey for the funeral?" I cut my mother off.

"We have to leave tomorrow but Addison I have some more bad news..."


"What?" I asked cautiously...

"When I woke up this morning, your father was gone again. He just left without even saying goodbye. I don't know what happened."

He left?

He left. He left because he knew he would be in trouble know that grandma was dead... He knew I wasn't this quiet little girl anymore so he ducked his tail between his legs, and ran. He ran like coward he is.

I nonchalantly nodded my head at my mother before climbing up the steps, making my way towards my room. I grabbed my duffel bag and began packing random things not even letting anything run through my mind until I saw my cell phone sitting on my computer desk.

I picked up the phone and typed in Tatum's name, Want to take a little ride to New Jersey with me...?



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ALSO WHO WOULD MAKE A BETTER TATUM!? David Henrie, Drew Roy, or Colton Hayes?

Song on the side is Crash My Party by Luke Bryan! HE IS SOOOO HOT... AND I'M GOING TO SEE HIM IN CONCERT...

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