Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 14- (I Need A Hero)

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Hey guys! How are you? Should be a long chapter... Yay... lol LUKE BRYAN CONCERT ON JUNE 1ST. I'm gonna pee my pants.


Anyway, here is chapter 14! Hope you enjoy.


Chapter 14- (I Need A Hero)

I can't believe I'm doing this...

Why am I doing this...?

I'm right next to Tatum as he was driving through the mud in his Jeep. I was being rocked around a bit as we sloshed through the mud. In one instance, I was jostled around so much that I found my self practically slouched on Tatum's lap...


"Woah there darlin'. Save the touchin' for later." He winked and wriggled his eyebrows.

I punched him.

Apparently hard because he looked at me and yelled an "OW!" after he had told me what a mean punch I pack.

Thank you Judo trainer... I smirked. "You know, I'm not as much of a girly girl as you think..." Just as I said that, Tatum floored the gas which sent mud flying over the Jeep's non existant roof. Ultamatly coving me from head to toe. Again.

"You're not a girly girl at all..." Tatum exasperated a chuckle. That's when I realised I shreiked like a dying banshee when all that mud dropped onto me...

I looked at him and gave him a cheeky grin, "You got me this time, but don't worry. I will get you Tatum Boyer... One way or another..."

He raised an eyebrow trying to egg me on before Jason called out, "Are you two love birds done yet!? I want a turn in the mud!"

Love birds?

I've never considered Tatum and I as couple material...

Tatum waved him off and proceeded to get out of the pit of mud. We slowly made our way onto dry land and I thanked God. Don't get me wrong, the thing they call "mudding" is quite fun, but tremedously dirty... Tatum parked the Jeep back where it was and I jumped out immedatly seeking the warmth of the giant bonfire just a few feet away. I wanted to run to it, but instead if making myself look like a loser, I walked.

I probably should have worn some sort of sweater but I am an idiot.

I sat back down in my original seat and Tatum followed right next to me shortly after. He handed me another cup of beer. I smiled at him appreciativly while staring at the fire that was probably double my height.

I took a sip of the amber colored liquid and just listened to the many conversations going on around me. The fire was warm and I was content.

Maybe ten minutes later, I saw this dark shadow walking fowards across the other side of the fire. Once he got close enough, I could make out his features. Tall, skinny, blonde. The creepiest part was, was that he was staring directly at me.

The guy whose name I don't know, threw a large stick into the extensivly large fire. More smoke and bright orange embers billowed into the sky while the fire itself popped and sizzled.

The guy sat down a few seats from Tatum. Tatum noticed and smiled, "So Greg, how's that girl you been doing?"

His name is Greg...

"Haha buddy she is fine but I think I'm over her... I mean, don't get me wrong, I've got a nice riffle and she's got a nice rack, but I'm lookin' at someone new tonight..." Greg smiled and for a split second, his eyes found me before the went back to Tatum's. I swear I could see Tatum tighten just a bit.

Now all the guys were talking about how hot all the girls they have banged were. I rolled my eyes and chugged about three fouths of my cold drink down. I tried to think about something else rather than, and I quote, "Kelly's double D's"

After just thinking thoughts in my head, I remembered two things I learned when I went to Our Lady of Perpetual Parish..

1.) Alcohol is a depressant.

2.) Alcohol can be fun if you're drunk.

I would always hear two different stories from my freshman health teachers and the very same girls who got pregnant. Now that I've actually had more than a sip of alcohol, I know that my health teachers were right.

I felt sad.

My mind roamed to how screwed up my family and well, my life, is right now. I wanted to rip my hair out and hide in closet just to cry. If God loved us so much, the why would he kill my Grandma? How could he? I should be puished for my actions, not my Grammy...

I stood up and dumped the plastic cup with the rest of its contents into the fire and began walking away. The fire cracked and spit at me whilen I heard someone say something along the lines of, "Hey! Don't waste good beer!" I ignored whoever the person was and continued walking.

I stopped at the entrance of the clearing and stood near a big, old looking tree. Sure it was dark, but my human night vision was kicked in, and I could make out faint things.

Where is God? Where is the man I've been praising my whole life? Is this my punishment? Turning my life upside down?

I need God...

I need a hero...

I fingered with the gold cross that was around ny neck. I can't even remember when the last time I took it off... It was a gift from my father on my 7th birthday and I remember faint parts about that day. This necklase is one of my most prized possesions because it was a symbol of my faith and of my God that I loved so much.

My parents took us all to the beach and my father got down on one knee, like he was proposing. Instead of asking, "Will you marry me?" he goofily asked, "Will you accept this birthday gift?" That's when he flipped open the red satin box, revealing a gold necklase with the words, "My Love" engraved into the back."

I smiled; Then frowned remembering my fathers scary face just years later as the back of his hand collided with my delicate cheek.

Grabbing a hold of the gold chain, I ripped it right off my neck and threw it into the shubs next to the big tree. I let a tear slip before crouching down, burring my face in my hands.

I wanted so much to blame other people. To blame the world, to blame Tatum. Heck! Blame global warming. But I know deep down that all the blame falls on me. Sure Tatum introduced me to a world of badness and illegal activies, but who could have turned them away?


Why ca't my life be a fairytale? I would love to walk away happy right now. I made a pained groan and wiped the remaining tears away from my face before standing up.

Just as I stood up, I felt hands grabbing both of my sides. Instinctively, I turned around so fast and grabbed the person by their neck and shoved them into the large tree right next to me.

The person groaned out in pain and that's when I looked up into a pair of green eyes brightly looking down at me with a scared expression.


I felt his Adam's apple move telling me that he was trying to swallow within my steel tight grip. I released my grasp and let out a breath of relief. "Jesus Tatum," I huffed, "don't sneak up on me like that... Nearly made me kill you."

"Yeah I kinda got the hint when you slammed my entire body into a damn tree..."

Him speaking made me realise how close we were. I looked down and their was maybe an inch between up. His mouth was litteraly a few centimeters away... I could smell his minty, stale breath and I wated to soak it up.

Before things got too awkward, I stepped away and began walking. I turned my back on him even though I would have loved to be as close to him as possible, "Sorry." was all I say.

I walked further until the bright moon shined onto the clearing I heard heavy footsteps behind, "Wait Addison, whats wrong?"

Tatum caught up with me and turned me so I could look at him. The moon was shining right into my face and I just wanted to get away before he could tell that I was crying.

I faked a smile, "Nothing."

Tatum's hands that were once on my shoulds moved dow to my collar bone, closer to my sternum. The pads of his thumbs rubbed my skin, like he was looking for something. I'm not going to lie, but I liked his touch on my bare skin...

I grabbed his wrist and lightly pushed him away before he got me to do something I would regret. "Addison, where's your necklase?"

"What necklase?" I asked playing dumb.

"Don't bullshit me Addison. Your cross necklase. Y'know, that necklase that I've never seen you without..."

Dang he was good. I looked down at my bare chest and shrugged my shoulders, "Must have lost it?" it came out as more of a question and I knew I was busted.

"You're lying."

"So what? Why do you care? It's just a damn necklase!" I yelled.

"It obviously mean a lot to you if you never take it off!"

Defeated; Sighing, "I threw it away. Okay? My father gave me that cross and since he's gone and I'm going to hell, there's no point in wearing it."

"Addison, you can't blame everything on yourself... It's not your fault."

"It is because I'm horrible. I've committed so many sins that god has punished my family and not me directly."

Tatum sighed, "Come on Addison," He grabbed my right hand ad ttugged me along with him. He was heading me towards his Jeep, "Get in." he ordered.

"You know I can walk home if you don't want to leave..." I confessed.

"We're not leaving." Tatum stated matter of factly. He jumped into his doorless death contraption and so did I. Hep pulled out a lantern from the small space behind us and turned it on, lluminating our faces and everything within a few feet of us.

He set the lantern in between us and our seats. "Tell me Addison, have you ever done a hand analysis of someone?"


I shook my head no.

"Here. Take my hand and try to guess some things about me." He placed his hand in mine and I examined it.

He hands were dry and calloused. He had loads of dirty and grim stuck under his nails. From under this light, his nails also looked a light yellow color. "Hmm," I pondered. "You seem like a hard worker, you like to get dirty, and..." I paused. "You are the type of person who resorts to cigarettes and alcohol when you need comfort."

He nodded, "And...?"

I shrugged still grasping his hand, "Uh... you don't like moisturizer?"

He let out a deep, rumbling chuckle, "Not bad Miller. But, you forgot one thing. See all these scars?" Tatum pointed at numerous scars on his hands and wrists. "I got this one from fishing..." pause. "This one from scrap metal picking." pause. "This one from slicing my hand open with my pocket knife." pause. "This one from burning myself with my cigarrette." pause. "This-"

I cut him off, "Okay, get to the point!"

"Point is, all humans make mistakes. We are all just teenagers who make stupid decisions. But, we learn from them Addison." he grabbed my chin and made me look at him, "Sure you've made mistakes. We all have. But that's what being a teenager is about. Making stupid choices, learing from them, and them laughing about them later on."

He was right.... I smiled at him, "You know Tate, sometimes you surprise me..."

Tatum smirked, "So I've been told..."

I smiled warmly at him before wrappig him in a hug, "Thank you for your Tatum Philosophy..."

He chuckled.

"Okay! Do me!!" I chirped.

Tatum placed both his hands out in surrender, "Woah. Woah. I thought you wanted to wait until you were married..." he smirked and I punched him.

"No you idiot. Read my hand now."

"Okay. Okay."

He smiled.

I smiled.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and examined it for a moment... "Hmmm. You don't often like to get dirty. You rarely paint your nails, you've never worked a day in your life, never smoked, never had sex..." he paused. "Oh and you're super cold right now and you looove moisturizer."

I nodded. "Am I that easialy readable?" Tatum nodded. He was right on the money with his predictions. "I wish I was more unique..."

"Please. You're the most uniquest girl I've met in a while..."

"How come?" I say, awkwardly twidling my thumbs.

"You're the only girl to not fall for me..." he looked at me with the most gorgeous epression on his face.

I think I have fallen...

I snorted to try and cover up the fact that I'm embarassed, "Yeah well, I don't fall for anyone or anything easialy. Except puppies." I chuckled.

After a few minutes of a non-awkward silence Tatum spoke, "Do'ye wanna go back to the fire?"

I shook my head another no.

"But your cold.."

My mouth spoke before I could comprehend what I was saying, "Warm me?" I asked and then I palm-faced myself feeling like an idiot.

Tatum smirked, "Sure thing darlin'." Tatum then eforitlessly pulled me towards him. Instantly I could feel his heat radiation off of his body onto mine. In the prosess of pulling me towards him, Tatum the knocked over the lantern making it shut off. We were now sitting in each others embrace.

I liked it.

I turned my head after looking at everyone around the bonfire. While turning my head, I could feel Tatum warm breath breathing in my face. We were face to face. He was staring at me.

That's when Tatum grabbed my jaw line with his left hand. He caressed my face so gently it made me shiver.

My heart was pounding under my chest and I though I was going to have a major heart attack. As I felt Tatums breath become closer and hotter, I knew he was leaning into me.

Is he going to kiss me?

Oh my God...

Our lips are brushing. His breath was so steady and I'm positive mine was coming out in pants..

By now I just wanted him to kiss me.

Is he going to-


I nearly jumped out of the Jeep knocking heads with Tatum. Did someone seriosuly just ruin that moment? I turned and saw that guy Greg laughing his head off.


"Damn! What the hell man!?" I saw Tatum faintly rubbig his nose which I whacked...

"Sorry I just wanted to know if Addison wanted to go on a ride with me..."

I then thought about how I almost just kissed Tatum... Oh my God. Immediatly I was red hot and I was willing to to do anything to get out of this situation bound to become awkward..

"Sure!" I screeched. I jumped out Tatum's lifted Jeep and followed Greg towards his truck, leaving Tatum in the dust...


I was currently driving down an old path with Greg that connected to th clearing, "So Addsion, how do you like the party so far?"

I smiled, "It's fun!" I lied.

Greg smirked taking his eyes of of the man made road surrounded by trees. We swered almost hitting a tree. Greg, clearly intoxicated, corrected himself.

Now I wish I hadn't volunteered to go for a ride..

"Wanna have some more fun?"

"Uhh, sure?" I questioned.

He smirked again and abuptly put the truck in park, shutting off the engine. "Good." he sloppily smiled, moving closer to me.

A sick, sadistic smiled played upon his face and I knew he wanted nothing but sex. He grabbed my cheek and squeezed very hard.

Nothing like Tatum's touch...

"Look," I said. "I'm not into anything like touching and stuff."

I could smell the alcohol rolling off of his breath, "Awe whats the matter, church bitch? How about we do it doggy style? I love me some dirty dogs..."

I was appauled. "Excuse me?!" I shreiked.

Who the heck does he thing he is!?

"Come 'er baby." Greg now moved both hands down my body, groping me until he grabbed the waist of my pants. He began sticking his thumbs downward and that's when I wisened up.

I pushed him away and kicked him right in the chest. Hard... It gave me just enough time to yell, "Go to hell you scum!" and to make a run for it.

I opened the truck door, and jumped out while he was still moaning in pain. I got to the back of his truck into a ran into someone.

I looked up and it was Tatum grabbing my forearms, "Did he touch you?" he demanded.

I nodded my head yes and in that second Tatum rushed passed me, to the drivers side door. Next thing you hear was a loud punch and the noicse of a groan. Tatum just knocked Greg out...

Tatum rushed back over to me, "Are you OK?" he asked concerned.

"Yes. But why are you here?"

"I followed-"

"You followed me?!" I shieked. I can take care of myself..

"Yeah well he has a reputation and- listen Addison, Greg's not a good guy..."

I huffed an exasperated laugh... "Oh? And I suppose your're the good guy?" he looked hurt by my comment. "Seriously Tatum. I can defend myself. You don't have to keep following me everywhere... You're like a damn lost puppy who wont leave me the hell alone."

He looked at me with so much hurt but does he understands what he's saying? He would do the exact same thing to girl... He always talks about easy bangs and then leaving. He is one of the bad guys.

I looked him square in the eyes, "Goodbye Tatum." I walked away leaving him in the dust for the second time tonight.


HEY GUYS! Did y'all like this chapter? Sorry for mistakes... Anyway comment what you think!! AND VOTEEEE!

Song on the side is Holding Out For A Hero by Ella Mae Bowen! Not sure if its specified as country but it's in footloose and I love this song!

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